Are you a bone marrow donor? What about an organ donor? How does one go about becoming one? Why do some people choose not to? What about you? Would you donate? Explain your thoughts on the subject and state whether or not you have signed up or discussed organ donation with your family. Visit Taylor's Gift or Be The Match to learn more or sign up!
I am not a bone marrow donor. I am an organ donor though. In order to become an organ donor or a bone marrow donor you need to sign up online or you can fill it out when you get your drivers license. Some people choose not too become an organ donor or a bone marrow doner because i think most people dont understand what they are being asked or they are like what i am going to give my organs what.. no. HA! I am going to donate. I am an organ donor so other people can have my organs haah but im actually not quite sure what a bone marrow is. Also we i have discussed being a organ donor with my parents and they told me that it was up to me.
I am not a bone marrow donor simply because there is not much publicity surrounding it, so I don't hear much about it. After browsing on the website, I learned that donating is actually an easy process that consists of meeting certain health requirements, applying for a registration kit, and swabbing your cheek. Because the sign up for bone marrow donation is made so simple on Be the Match, I would definitely consider signing up. Organ donation on the other hand is a well known cause because of Taylor Storch and the Taylor's Gift organization but also because it is close to my family. Some people are afraid to sign up to be an organ donor because it may creep them out and many have thought that doctors could act differently towards an organ donor during certain situations knowing that if the patient didn't make it, their organs could at least be donated. I have spoken with my family and we all decided that organ donation is a wonderful thing and we are all signed up. Bone marrow donation is something we need to talk about in the future because it too can save lives.
At this moment, I am not a bone marrow donor. It is not because I do not want to be, it is just because honestly, the thought had never really crossed my mind. After exploring the website, I realized just how easy it is to go about becoming a bone marrow bone marrow donor. All you have to do is meet certain health criteria such as having a normal iron count, applying for a registration kit, and completing a cheek swab. I think in the next few years, I will become a bone marrow donor. I feel like it is an easy way to save a life. As for organ donation, I am not quite sure about yet. In theory, I want to become one because it is just so easy to check a box when you register for your drivers license. However, whenever I register, I always freak out a little. It is just such a big deal to imagine yourself dead and donating organs. Hopefully I will get the courage to become one one day. I want to be able to save lives. Taylor's Gift foundation does an excellent job of promoting organ donation and it would be so cool to help work for a foundation that promotes saving lives.
I am neither a bone marrow or organ donor. If one would like to be, though, registration is extremely easy. Visit and fill out a registration. It's important, however, that you have a conversation with your family about your wishes, because even though you may be in the registry, your family could still decide that what to do with your organs in the event that you pass away. But if it's so easy, why aren't more people registered as organ donors? Truthfully, it's because people are not informed. Taylor's Gift has been a great way of informing the citizens of Coppell about organ donation, but not everyone has been as exposed to the information like us. Most don't know how their family or funeral would be affected by being an organ donor, and because of this, do not feel comfortable signing up. In actuality, your family does not have to pay for the procedure, and the cost is charged to the organ recipient's insurance. Also, your funeral would not be greatly affected as your body would still be eligible for an open casket viewing. Hopefully, those hesitant in registering to become an organ donor will have their questions and then make a well informed decision.
I am neither a bone marrow donor or a an organ donor, even though it is very easy to sign up for both. Online you can find organizations for both, like Taylor's Gift or Be The Match, that will provide you with a step by step sign up. Sometimes this can be a scary decision for people, dealing with the thought of death or surgery. But knowing that both of these decisions are beneficial for other people and will save lives makes it worth every bit. I think that discussing both these things with your family is a smart idea, and signing up for them is something my family and I are definitely looking into!
Although I am not an organ donor or blood marrow donor, I have donated blood several times before and I do believe and support others to do the same. I strongly feel that it is a great, noble action to give something of what you have that you don’t necessarily need to others that require it. One thing that I truly admire about donating is the relative ease it takes in becoming a donor. Today’s high technology era allows people to become donors quite conveniently. It’s basically finding the right website and filling out the necessary personal information about yourself and a click. You can also fill out a form that allows you to place you as a donor on your driver’s license as well. There are so many numerous ways that one can be involved in donation. I feel that because there is such a large outlet , there are little excuses for why people shouldn’t at least be aware of the change they potentially have in one’s life.
I am not a bone marrow donor, well because it has never occurred to me to become one. I feel that a large population is in the same boat as me, and is just uninformed and would be more than happy to become one. It is a very simple process to become a donor, all you have to do is to sign up on "". But if you want to donate there are some medical guidelines that you must meet in order to become a donor. I am an organ donor and I signed up when I got my driver's license. To become an organ donor you can either do it when you get your driver's license or you may sign up online and Taylor's Gift is one way to do that. The reason why some people would choose not to is because they are unaware of donations. Some people have never heard of bone marrow and organ donations. Other reasons why people think they do not want to be a donor is because they are unhealthy, too old, or too young. There are very few reasons that disqualify your organs and bone marrow from any kind of transplant. There are a lot of people who need organs and bone marrow so do not count yourself out! I do very much want to continue as an organ donor and become a bone marrow donor. I have discussed being an organ donor with my parents and we have a mutual agreement that I want my organs to be donated, but we have not had a conversation about being a bone marrow donor.
I am not a bone marrow donor but I am an organ donor. I just checked the little box when I got my drivers license but I know that the only way to know for sure that you will show up in the state registry is to go to There are a million reasons that people don't want to donate organs: religious views, how they think it will effect the funeral, or their believe that their organs or bones wouldn't be useful because of smoking or drinking habits. All of the questions could be answered on the website. These reasons mainly apply to people's apprehensions about donating organs, but the main reason people don't donate marrow is the pain. I would only be willing to donate marrow if it was needed by a family member, or if I was someones only hope for survival.
I am neither a bone marrow nor organ donor. In order to become a bone marrow donor, one must preferably be between the ages of 18-44 and join the match registry where doctors can anonymously choose patients based on their ancestry. In order to become an organ donor, you must indicate it on your license when applying for one, sign up on your state’s donor registry, and/or include it in your will. Some choose not to become a bone marrow or organ donor because they are unaware of both processes and how they may really impact ones life or just not interested in the process. Personally, I would never become an organ donor. I prefer to give blood or do something to society that doesn’t involve surgery or removal of my organs in my body. I know it happens when I die, but I just feel somehow about it. However, even though I haven’t really thought about bone marrow donation, I may do it in the future after I learn more about the process and hear more reviews about the procedure. I haven’t signed up to be an organ donor and don’t intend to. I have discussed the process with my family, and we’re all pretty much on the same boat; but my mom may donate her organs if she is able, she’s just not sure about it yet.
I became informed of organ donation a few years ago when Taylor Storch past away. Though the event was tragic in so many ways, her death has impacted our community and even our country in positive ways. I decided to become an organ donor simply because there is no other use for my organs when I pass way besides, well, giving them to a person in need. If I have the possibility of saving even one life, i'll donate my organs when I die. As for bone marrow donation, however, I am still debating. It sounds horribly painful but it would help an individual in need.
It is a fairly simple task for one to become an organ donor. People have the option when renewing their drivers license or can simply go to the Donate Life website and sign up.
I am not a bone marrow donor because I was never educated about being a donor. If bone marrow transplants were as promoted as organ donations, I would. I am however an organ donor, I simply just checked a box while getting my license. I encourage others to donate and I understand that it is their decision. I personally think that if more people were educated about organ donation and bone marrow transplants, more people would be donors. It is really easy to sign up, to be an organ donor you can sign up while getting your license or online, same as being a bone marrow donor. I have not discussed organ donation with my family although I am an organ donor. I don't think it is up to them to decide what I can do with my body even after I die. I will probably tell them today after school and urge them to do the same.
I became an organ donor when I turned 16 when I got my license. For anyone who is not a donor you can visit and fill out a registration. This is something that is very important to do. I think more people became aware when the Taylor's Gift promoted it. I've heard that donating bone marrow can be very painful so that probably keeps some people from donating. If it came down to it, I would do it for a family member. In order to be a bone marrow donor you must be between the ages of 18 & 44. It is an important subject that people should be more aware about because there are many many people in need of vital organs and other bone marrow.
Although I am not a bone marrow donor, I am an organ donor. To become an organ donor, I checked off the box on my license form when I went to renew it after I turned 17. Some people choose not to because they do not like the idea of other people taking their organs after they have passed. I chose to become one because if I die and still have good organs, I want to be able to help other people so they may keep their life. I don't need my body after I die anyway, so why not help other people out. My family has discussed this before and all of us are organ donors, but I don't think any of us are bone marrow donors. I didn't really even know that you could do that.
I am not a bone marrow donor or a organ donor. After reading about Taylor's Gift on the website and reading what it is all about, I am interested in becoming one now. To become an organ donor I know two ways that I can proceed to do to become an organ donor.One is through the Taylor's Gift website there is a place where you can click on the button and it takes you to a website where I can proceed to become an organ donor. A second way is when I renew my license I can check the box to say I would like to be an organ donor. I would like to become a organ donor because I was inspired by Taylor's story. I discussed the decision with my family and explained how I wanted to save someone's life once I pass away. They agreed if it was something I wanted to do. Some people might not want to become one because the idea of their organs going to a stranger could be strange to them. From personal experiences, One of my close mentor's from church needed a kidney transplant to save her life and she received a kidney from a Woman right at the last minute to save her life. Donating organs is a powerful thing and can save many lives.
I am not a bone marrow donor, but I am an organ donor. I think that the main reason that I am not a bone marrow donor is because I do not know a lot about it. I have not talked to my family about it, but I think that this topic would definitely be something to talk about with them. In the future, I might sign up to be a bone marrow donor once I am more educated on it. To become an organ donor, I just checked a box when I got my drivers license. I think that the main reason that people sign up for organ donation is because it is so easy and accessible. You do not have to visit a website or fill out any information, so people are more likely to become a donor. I think that some people choose not to be an organ donor because they do not know what it entails or what the potential risks are of becoming one. I chose to be an organ donor because I know that after I die, I will not need any of my organs anymore. Maybe my organs will be used to save someone's life.
I am not a bone marrow donor but I am an organ donor. From what I’ve read online and heard about, becoming an organ donor is fairly simple and only requires little paperwork. (most teenagers become organ donors when they get their licenses) People can also sign up online at Be the Match. However, a lot of people are saying that it’s all simple to become a bone marrow donor, which I don’t think is completely true. I volunteered in a bone marrow drive, passing out pamphlets and encouraging people to sign up, and from what I saw, it required quite a bit of paperwork, some of which asked questions that the donor-to-be didn’t know. Getting people to sign up was the easy part but getting them to stay after they had gotten through half the paperwork was difficult. Although many people would like to become donors, I saw that most were discouraged by the 20 to 30 minutes it took to fill out the forms. A lot also felt as if their medical and physical conditions immediately ruled them out of the chance of becoming a bone marrow donor. Also, I think a large part of why more people aren’t donors is because they are not aware of the processes involved in becoming one. I myself would like to be a bone marrow donor, but I’m somewhat hesitant because it sounds extremely painful. Still, I think that if donating parts of your body could save someone’s life, it is worth it. I’ve talked to parents about it, and although they’re a little hesitant, they both agreed that I should do what I want because it’s my choice.
I am not a Organ donor nor a bone marrow donor. I didn't really know much about this subject until I researched the internet. In order to become a donor, all you have to do is sign up online at I haven't really discussed with my parents on this matter because I didn't know much about this but I do think that this is a good thing to do and may sign up for it later in the future. I believe that people do not sign up for this because they are not aware of it like in my case. I think if more people knew about how easy it is to become a donor and what it really means to be one, there would be a lot more people signed up.
I am not a bone marrow donor, however I am a organ donor. I became an organ donor in 2010, with the death of my friend Taylor Storch through I was planning on becoming an organ donor whenever I got my license, however I figured that something could happen before then and I would want to donate my organs. Some people do not want to become organ donors because they do not see the benefits or they want their body to be whole, however that is not they case with me. Everyone in my family is an organ donor, it is something that is very important to me personally. I think that everyone should sign up, many lives would be saved and it is the right thing to do.
I am not a bone marrow donor, simply because I do not know much about it. When you get your license renewed, you are asked if you would like to become an organ donor. Nevertheless, the steps to become a bone marrow donor are not quite as easy. Therefore, I am an organ donor, but not a bone marrow donor. I am a strong believer and promoter of being an organ donor because once we pass away, we no longer have any need or use for our organs. With that said, I believe that everyone should become an organ donor. The process is easy, and it is not painful, considering it is a procedure done when you have already passed away. By donating your organs, you could ultimately save someone's life, which is definitely worth checking a little box when getting your license renewed. However, if I am ever faced with the choice or opportunity to become a bone marrow donor down the road, I would probably want to do that too.
No, I am not a bone marrow donor but I am a organ donor. I don't think I will become a bone marrow donor, but being an organ donor is simple. When you get a driver's license they ask you if you want to be a registered organ donor. I personally think that everyone should be an organ donor. It is a way for someone to make an impact on other people's lives, even after they are gone. I'm not sure why someone wouldn't to be an organ donor but that is their choice and there is nothing wrong with that. I just feel like once I am gone there is no reason why i need to hold onto my organs, I would rather they go to someone that is in need and it could possibly save their life. After seeing that effect that Taylor Storch had on the people she helped I was more then happy to become an organ donor. It truly is something I would want for myself once I'm gone. It gives me comfort to think that I could possibly be helping someone to live.
No, I am not a bone marrow donor but I am a organ donor. I don't think I will become a bone marrow donor, but being an organ donor is simple. When you get a driver's license they ask you if you want to be a registered organ donor. I personally think that everyone should be an organ donor. It is a way for someone to make an impact on other people's lives, even after they are gone. I'm not sure why someone wouldn't to be an organ donor but that is their choice and there is nothing wrong with that. I just feel like once I am gone there is no reason why i need to hold onto my organs, I would rather they go to someone that is in need and it could possibly save their life. After seeing that effect that Taylor Storch had on the people she helped I was more then happy to become an organ donor. It truly is something I would want for myself once I'm gone. It gives me comfort to think that I could possibly be helping someone to live.
No, I am not a bone marrow donor; I do not plan to become a bone marrow donor either. I am a organ donor, and have been since 2011 when I got my driver’s license. Organ donors can sign up when getting or renewing a driver's license. To become a bone marrow donor, you must register online. Many people (myself included) do not register to be a bone marrow donor because of the pain associated with donating. I have not discussed becoming a bone donor with my family because I have no intention of becoming one, but the conversation with my parents about becoming an organ donor was a short one. They understood the positive impacts that organ donation can have and supported me in my decision.
I am not a bone marrow donor, but I am an organ donor. In order to sign up to become an organ donor, they ask if you'd like to be one when you get your license, or you can sign up at Some people may choose not to become a donor because it can go against their beliefs, or they are not aware of the fact they could be saving someone's life. I think being a donor is a great thing to do because there could be some body out there who is in need of an organ to save their life, and you could be the perfect match. If it's something I no longer need, why be selfish and keep it to myself? Signing up to be a donor is the right thing to do.
I am not a bone marrow donor, or a organ donor, but I would be interested in being an organ donor. I don't think I would be interested in donating bone marrow though, because I'm kind of afraid of the process. I believe that I am not alone, most people are probably in the same boat that I'm in because they are scared too. Some people hate to even give blood, me included, so the thought of being drilled into isn't that attractive of an option. Being an organ donor on the other hand I wouldn't mind doing, I'll have to talk to my family first about it first, but hopefully I can someday register as an organ donor.
I am not a bone marrow donor, but I am an organ donor. I became an organ donor last year when I got my drivers license. The easiest way for a person to become a donor is through this mean. I simply asked my mom if I could become an organ donor when I was going to get my license and her answer was simply because I was doing something for the good of others and she couldn't say no. I think organ donations are a great thing and everyone should sign up to be one. It can't hurt but it can help others a lot. As for being a bone marrow donor, this process is known to be painful. Although I think it is a great idea and wish I had the courage to sign up to be one, I don't know that I would actually ever sign up to be one. You actually have to go out and sign up to be a bone marrow donor on your own where as you simply say yes or no when getting or renewing a license for organ donations. In the future, I might could see myself signing up to be a bone marrow donor.
I am not a bone marrow donor nor am I an organ donor. You can become a bone marrow donor by going on to the link . The biggest reason many people do not donate is because they have religious reasons or because they really can not tolerate being strapped to a chair and having their blood taken out from their body. I will not donate because of religious circumstances but if I could I would. We need blood donors for helping people with blood diseases such as sickle cell or with people who go through surgeries with a great amount of blood loss and desperately require blood. But despite this fact I cannot donate any organs or marrow myself.
I am not a bone marrow donor nor a organ donor. To become a donor you can Google, "how to become a bone marrow and/or organ donor. Or go to, to become a bone marrow donor, and, to become a organ donor. I think people choose not to become a donor is because they simply don't know how to. I know many people, including myself, that do not know how to become a bone marrow donor. If I was given a choice between the two, I would choose to become an organ donor. The reason being is that, it would be painless and becoming an organ donor is easy and quick. Plus, once you pass away you won't need your organs, so it would be best if you donated them to someone who is in need of an organ. Next time I go get my drivers license renewed, I will consider checking the box to become an organ donor.
I am not a bone marrow donor or an organ donor. There are two ways to become and bone marrow or organ donor. One, you can go to these websites, for bone marrow go here: and for organ donor go here: Some people choose not to become donors because it is against their religion and some people just have a fear of becoming a donor and not being healthy enough to be able to donate. I chose not to because I didn’t really know what it meant at the time but know that I heard about it more and see how effective it is, I may change my mind and ask my parents if I can be an organ donor. i have not yet discussed this subject with my parents but now I will.
I am not, and do not plan on becoming a bone marrow donor. However, when I turned sixteen and got my driver's license, I became an organ donar as well. That process was extremely easy, seeing as all I had to do was simply ask my mom and then check a small box. I realized the benefits of becoming an organ donor thanks to Taylor's Gift, and it is because of that organization that I am an organ donor today. On the other hand, I have a very low tolerance for pain, so the thought of being a bone marrow donor terrifies me, and as much as I would love to become one to help those in need, I can't bring myself to do it. I have never discussed becoming a bone marrow donor with my parents, and nor do I plan to. However, I am a proud organ donor, and I wish more people would become organ donors.
I am not a bone marrow donor nor am I an organ donor. The idea of becoming an organ donor is now very prevalent to the Coppell community, now that we have the Taylor's Gift Foundation that the Storch family started because of the death of their daughter. You can very easily become an organ donor when getting your drivers license renewed. All you do is check a box saying you would like to become a donor when renewing. You can become a bone marrow through I think a lot of people aren't donors because it is an eye opening decision you have to make. It is a really mature decision an individual has to make because you are ultimately choosing what happens to you when you die. I have not really taken the time to talk about this subject with my family but it has definitely been in my thoughts in the past few years. I think people that are not donors simply don't know enough about organ/bone marrow donation or might be afraid to think about it. If I ever decide I want to become either type of donor, I will make sure it is something that I feel passionate about and would feel proud becoming one.
I am not a bone marrow plainly because this year was the first time I heard about becoming a bone marrow. I'm not an organ donor because my parents won't allow me to be one. The number one reason people fail to donate organs is because they are are afraid of what is going to happen to their body after the procedure. They also think doctors wont try their hardest to resuscitate then after an accident. Overall, fear is what is stopping them because they are uneducated about what really happens when in reality the procedure is safe and easy. In order to become a donor the first thing one needs to do is sign up under their state's donor registry. Next they need to consult with family members and faith leaders about the decision to get feedback and make sure they are okay with what one has decided. Lastly make sure it is known that you are a donor by putting it in your drivers license, your will, and advance directives. After researching about this topic I would not mind being an organ donor. First off there will be no pain and it is for a good cause. My organs are not being used so why not give them to someone in need? While I think I could persuade my parents into letting me be an organ donor, I don't believe they would allow me to be a bone marrow donor especially at this age. Although it is for a good cause, the risk could effect me negatively. My parents, being over protective, are preventing me now, but when I get older I might consider it.
I am not a bone marrow nor organ donor. I have never really discussed it with my parents but i know they are not donors and i don't really know why. In order to become an organ donor you just check a box when you renew your license, but you still have to go through test to make sure you are stable enough to be considered to be a donor. I know that if you want to become a bone marrow donor it is much more complicated and painful, and honestly i don't want to go through all that pain. I would not mind being an organ donor I just need to discuss it more into detail with my parents. I think most people don't want to become donors because of the risk you can have from donating bone marrow or organs. Being a donor is a great help to those who need it but it can also be very dangerous, but even if you are a donor there may be a great chance that you will never even be called into donate anything because you and the other person must have the same blood type and all other stuff.
I am currently not a bone marrow donor because this was the first year that I’ve heard about it. After hearing about it though, I think it is something that I would consider doing because it is a minimally invasive surgery and people are usually up and walking after 2-3 days. Also, providing my bone marrow to someone whose life depends on it is reason enough for me to go through with the surgery. As for organ donation, I registered to be an organ donor through the Taylor’s gift website about one year ago. Organ donation is a good thing because through my death or someone else’s death, another person can be given life. I have discussed organ donation with my family and we all agree that it is very beneficial so we all registered through the Taylor’s Gift website. Some people may be nervous to sign up because they don’t want to think about themselves dying or they think that giving their organs to someone is gross or whatever the case may be. But if they saw what an impact Taylor Storch had and the number of lives she saved by donating her organs, I think they would reconsider not singing up.
I am not a bone marrow donor, but I am an organ donor. I decided to become a donor after an accident that occurred my freshman. Taylor Storch, an eighth grader at the time, was on a ski trip with her family and she ended up getting injured very badly and her parents had to make an important decision. They decided to donate Taylor’s organs and help save someone else’s life. After hearing this inspiring story, I talked to my parents and decided that I wanted to become an organ donor. Right then and there my mom, dad, brother, and I all became donors. You can sign up to become an organ donor by logging onto the Taylor’s Gift website. You can become a bone marrow donor by logging onto and signing up. Although it is beneficial to others, some people choose not to be bone marrow donors because it is said to be painful. This is one of the main reasons why I am hesitant about signing up because you have to have a lot of recovery time from the surgery. Organ donation and bone marrow donating are both great ways to help others in need continue on with their lives with better ways of living.
I am neither a bone marrow nor an organ donor. To be an organ donor, I can check a box when I go renew my license at the DPS or I can just sign up online at To be a bone marrow donor, it’s a bit more complicated. You sign up online at You have to make sure that you meet the basic health guidelines. Then you go and complete the online form and order the registration kit to be mailed to your house. Once the kit is mailed, you have to swab your cheeks and send the kit back in, so that they can test if you can donate. Some choose not to donate mainly because they are afraid of the pain. I would like to donate my organs, but I haven’t checked the box yet. As for donating my bone marrow, I’m not really sure due to the pain it causes. I think everybody should donate because it can save so many lives.
i am not a bone marrow donor but i am an organ donor. i have never heard of a bone marrow donors until this week really, i didnt even know that they existed. after much research to sign up to be a donor is really easy im just not sure if i really want to be a bone marrow donor. but if i do i will choose a great organization such as Taylor's gift.i think some people are not donors because of lack of advertisements and local media on the situation. but yea being a organ donor at least is a good thing because you never know you might be able to save a life. but for for me to be a bone marrow donor i need to speak more with my parents of the situation. but the idea doesnt sound all that bad. And honestly I think everyone should be a donor because it can help so many people.
I am currently not an organ or bone marrow donor. I never knew that bone marrow donation even existed until now. I find the idea that you can help out someone else so much with such a little operation a fantastic idea! I have yet to talk with my parents about becoming an organ donor but I would like to become one because I would know that I could potentially help out other people. Taylor's gift was a great idea because it raised awareness about organ donation and how it can help more than most people believe. Through Taylor's gift, much awareness was raised about organ donations and most likely made a lot of people become organ donors or feel more comfortable about becoming an organ donor.
I am an organ donor, but I am not a bone marrow donor. I am an organ donor because once I am gone there is no need for my organs and many people are waiting for an organ to save their life. I would love to be able to give my organs to someone who is in need. I am not a bone marrow donor mostly because I don’t know much about it. It is also more involved to become one and pretty painful to go through the procedure and recover. I think many people are not organ or bone marrow donors simply because they are uneducated about it. With bone marrow donation, I think there is also fear involved because of the procedure that has to be done. You can become an organ donor by checking a box when renewing your drivers licence or you can sign up online at While becoming a bone marrow donor is a bit more complicated than becoming an organ donor, it is still a fairly easy process. Online you can join the Be The Match Registry. You have to obtain certain health requirements, receive a registration kit, and swab your cheek. Once you are approved to donate marrow, they will contact you if they find a match. You will then go to an information session and a physical examination before going through with the procedure. Taylor’s Gift is a great organization that has done a great job at spreading the word for the need for registered organ donors. It would be helpful if the need for bone marrow donors was advertised more just as Taylor’s Gift has done.
I am not a bone marrow donor or an organ donor. I really want to be an organ donor but haven't gotten around to signing up for it. It is really easy to sign up to be an organ donor, you can go to and it tells you all of the info to get there. It takes as little as 60 seconds to sign up. Some people choose not to be an organ donor because they are scared or freaked out that their body parts could go into someone elses body. I really want to be an organ donor, but it would probably be a longer process due to the fact that i am from England. My whole family is willing to donate their organs. It is something we believe is simple and a great way to leave our life on earth.
I am not a bone marrow donor yet but i am an organ donor. I became one by checking the box when getting a new drivers license and this is usually how people go about becoming one. Some people choose not to because they feel like they are violating or desecrating their bodies, but sometimes its the parents who don't want their children to do it or some similar case. After learning about bone marrow transplants i would like to become one just because its simply and could potentially help a lot of people. My family supports my decision to be an organ donor, as everyone else in my family is, and i know they would support the decision to be a bone marrow donor as well.
I became an organ donor this six weeks when I renewed my license at the DPS. All you do is check a box on a form and voila. It is important to be an organ donor because it can save someone's and you have nothing to lose. I am not a bone marrow donor. I am terrified of needles and the doctor's office which is the primary reason I am not a donor. However, I wish that I could overcome this fear because being a bone marrow donor could save someone's life. It is a more difficult process than checking a box at the DPS. You sign up online, are checked for certain heath requirements and swab your cheek. The organization will then contact you if they have a match. Both modes of donation are extremely important.
I am not a bone marrow donor but I am an organ donor. To become an organ, you can sign up to be one at the DPS or even go to to register. I choose to become an organ donor after I realized how many lives it can save. I honestly think that people who aren’t a donor probably just haven’t researched about it. I would donate because being able to save lives is such a good thing to do. I did not discuss organ donation with my family before I signed up because I felt like it is my body therefore it is my decision.
I am neither a bone marrow nor an organ donor. It is very simple for one to become an organ donor, all you have to do in check a small box when you get your license or go to renew your license at the DPS, also you can sign up online at In order to become a bone marrow donor, you can go to to sign up online. The process for this is a little more complex mainly because you have to make sure that you meet the basic health requirements in order to be eligible to be a marrow donor. After that, all you have to do is complete the form online and order the registration kit that will be mailed to you. The kit is used for them to test if you are a candidate to be a donor. Often people decide not to donate bone marrow because either is goes against personal or religious beliefs or they fear that it will be painful. I’m not an organ donor mainly because it is not a subject that has been brought up for discussion with my parents. I’m not against becoming one, but it is something that would have to be discussed first. I definitely would encourage others to become an organ donor because you can help save many people's lives. On another note, I am not interested in becoming a bone marrow donor, although it would go to a good cause, it’s just not something I’d be willing to do.
I am an organ donor and I just asked my parents when i went to go be my license if I could and they said yes. Some people may not because there may be a religious thing that keeps them from donating. Yes if I was put in the situation I would donate in order to help someone and save their life. I believe that if I no longer need my organs and unable to use them then they should be put to use and given to someone that would be able to use them.
I personally am an organ donor, I believe that if I were to die, I wouldn't really need my organs anyways so other people are welcome to them. I think it's really cool for people to donate their organs because there will always be others in need who deserve them. Organ donation is a worthy cause the needs more supporters!
I am not a bone marrow donor, nor am I an organ donor. You can become one by signing up on or by signing up when you get your license. Some people choose not to be, because of religious reasons, or they just choose not to. I feel like if it came down to it, I probably wouldn't say I would be one, but if something did happen to me, I would let whoever make that decision for me, I really wouldn't care either way.
Im not a bone marrow donor but I am an organ donor. I became an organ donor When I was about 14. Right when Taylor's Gift was created because I knew taylor well and it touched me personally and I wanted to show my support to Mr. and Mrs. Storch. Some people might choose not to simply because of religious reasons or some think that the doctor won't try as hard to save them if they are a match for an organ that is needed. I personally don't believe this and I talked to my family and they supported me and my mom is a bone marrow donor through be the match and my dad is also an organ donor. Texas has a low percentage of donors so I wanted to help increase that percentage.
I am not a bone marrow donor, but I am an organ donor. You can either sign up through taylor's gift, or sign up when you get your license. Some people choose to not be an organ donor or bone marrow donor, because of religious reasons and maybe their parents wouldn't allow it. Well yes I would, because I am an organ donor, and I believe that it is possible that I could change a life.
I am not a bone marrow donor nor am I a organ donor. You can become an organ donor by saying yes on the forms at the DPS when you go to get your license or signing up at When I went to go get my license, I checked no because I never gave much thought to it. Organ donors and bone marrow donors differ in their reasons for donating. Those who do not want to donate bone marrow think it is too painful of a procedure and are frightened by the whole procedure in general. Some people choose not be an organ donor because of their outlook on life in general. Some don't want their bodies being tampered with when they die, and many are not organ donors because of their religious beliefs. As for me, I have not signed up because I haven't put much thought into it, nor have I ever had the discussion. In the future, I would most likely sign up to be an organ donor or bone marrow donor because there are people who are in need and if I can contribute to saving a life, I would be happy for those who I can help. I think many should donate because it will help save lives.
I am a organ donator. My parents allowed me to decided for myself if i wanted to be a organ donator or not. Others can simply ask and have a conversation with their parents and discuss their own beliefs if they want to become one. I think that some people choose not to become a organ or bone morrow donator because of either religious beliefs or because they are simple not comfortable with fact that once they have past away they will be cut up. I chose to become an organ donator because i find comfort in the fact that once i have past away i may be helping someone and saving a life.
Although I am not a bone marrow donor, I am an organ donor. To become an organ donor it is a simple process of saying yes on the form for your drivers license each year is renewed. Becoming a bone marrow donor can be done by going to and signing up to be a part of the "Be The Match" registry. Once registered you send in a cheek swab so that the registry can have DNA on file to make matches with. Whenever a patient is in need of a bone marrow transplant and they match your blood type the registry will contact you for further testing to ensure that you are the perfect match and healthy for the operation. Some aren't bone marrow donors because they are ill informed or due to the risks of the operation. Some feel uncomfortable with organ donation after they are dead or cannot donate due to health reasons or complications. I am an organ donor because I believe that it is something that I can give back to the world that will outlive me and benefit other lives even in my death. I am not a bone marrow donor because I have not been well informed on it and the idea of the operation is somewhat scary to me. However I feel that in the future I would register to be a bone marrow donor and continue to be an organ donor.
I am an organ donor. To sign up to be one is easy, you can just check a box whenever you renew your license. I believe that whenever you die, it doesn't mean that someone else shouldn't have the opportunity to live, and you should be able to give life to another person, and that is the reason that I am an organ donor. However, I am not a bone marrow donor. I have read some books where people donate bone marrow in order to save a loved ones life, and the way they describe it in books kinds of scares me. If a loved one needed me to donate bone marrow, I would, but I don't think I will sign up to be one on my own.
I am not a bone marrow donor, but I am an organ donor. To become an bone marrow donor, all you need to do is sign up for something like, online or in person. You will need to give a sample of DNA so that you can be matched with patients. To become an organ donor, you also sign up for something like Also, you may designate this option on your driver's license. Something keeping people from becoming an organ donor is the fear that doctors won't work as hard to save your life, but in reality, doctors are more concerned at the moment with saving your life rather than someone else's. One of the biggest factors, however, is religion. It is against many people's beliefs to do so. Also, people worry about not being able to have an open casket funeral. This is actually something that they shouldn't worry about because the evidence is usually discrete and covered by clothing. Although my family and I have not discussed it, they know that I have chosen to be an organ donor on my license. It's very scary to think that part of you will live after you die, and that they will be such a part of someone else. However, I believe that it's an act of kindness and would rather be able to help someone, than go to the grave in an act of selfishness with something I will no longer need.
I am not a bone marrow donor, but I am an organ donor. It is actually very simple to become an organ donor. All you have to do is check the box verifying that you wish to be one when you get your driver's license renewed each year. You can sign up to be a bone marrow donor by going to think that some people don't want to be donors simply because they are worried about the future and whether or not they will need their organs and/or marrow.I personally believe that I would offer to donate my organs/marrow if somebody in my family or a close friend was in need of them. I have discussed this subject with my parents and friends, and have made it evident that if something were to happen to me, I would want to donate all of my organs to those in need. I will mostly likely never sign up to be a marrow donor unless it was vital to somebody I am very close to.
I am not an organ donor or a bone marrow donor and neither is anyone in my immediate family. To become a bone marrow donor you have to go online and sign up and they send you a swab to get your DNA. Organ donor is an easier process; you just have to check a box when you renew your license at the DPS office. I think people do not become one because it scares them in a way, or they would like to keep themselves all together after they pass. Another reason for not being a donor may be that it is against some religions and beliefs. I don’t really know why I am not one, I don’t have a good reason but I do think I may become one soon. My family and I do not really talk about being donors but I do believe I would donate anything to any of them if they needed it. Bone marrow donation kind of freaks me out but I think if someone in my family needed it I would probably give to them.
Becoming an organ donor is a simple process. You can start by having a conversation with your parents, and then whenever you get your license you check the box that says yes I would like to be an organ donor. To become a bone marrow donor you go to and click join now, and you can sign up. Some people choose not to give bone marrow because of religious issues, the procedure itself, or some people have an illness or disease that prevents them from giving marrow. I am an organ donor because I believe that if I die, then someone else should live with my help, I would love to help impact another life. I am not a bone marrow donor, but if my family or friends needed me and I was a match I would definitely donate my blood.
Although I am not a bone marrow donor, I am actually an organ donor. There are a couple steps in signing up to become a bone marrow donor. You will need to register online and then take DNA tests to categorize your type of bone marrow. Unlike blood transplants, bone marrow is very difficult to find matches. The most common way to find a match is family member or relative. When I first signed up to be an organ donor, I chose to be an organ donor at the DPS. Then I registered online for it. Many people are afraid of the risks involving bone marrow and organ transplants. Being an bone marrow donor can be very painful and it requires time in the hospital for recovery. The risks of being an organ donor can involve infections, complications during surgery, and it could affect ones health in the future. I have discussed with my parents to be an organ donor because I have family who have received organs that saved there lives.
I am not a bone marrow donor but I am an organ donor. You come about doing this when you get your license, you can decide then if you would like to be one or not. If you become an organ donor your organs would be given to someone who needs help and you could possibly save someones life. There are risks though, they could have complications in surgery and there will need to be a recovery time. I am hesitant to become a bone marrow donor because if can be painful and needs recovery time. But becoming one could really help someone who matches you, cause finding a marrow donor is very difficult to find. You can become a organ donor by going to tailors gift website. You can become a marrow donor by contacting your doctor and signing up, but you will have to go through a few test. I would highly suggest becoming an organ donor, there really is no better gift than saving someones life.
I am not a bone marrow donor, but I am an organ donor. To become a bone marrow donor I found out that a simple way was to go to the taylorsgift website, and they give you steps to become one. To become an organ donor you could look online to see how or become one when you get your license. I think the reason why some are against organ donations is because of religious views. For me i would donate, I think it is a great cause that could really help someone. I haven't really talked to my family about much all i know that my parents are and so is my older brother.
I am not bone morrow or organ donor. The process of becoming a donor is fairly easy though. You first must sign up with your states donor registry site and then when you go to get or renew your license, just check off on a quick form stating your want to be a donor. There are others ways to sign up such as malls and other websites such as Also, none of this matters if you don’t consent with your family because doctors cannot continue the process unless your family confirms that is ok. Even though this is an easy process many people do not sign up. Reasons go from religious views all the to (this might sound crazy) conspiracy theories. Also, some people want to leave there body the way it is when the die and there are many other reasons. I personally now have thought about possibly signing up to be a donor. This is because this is a chance to possible save someone’s life so you can’t possibly argue against that. The only thing stopping me from signing up is that I haven’t talked to my family about it yet. I will see what they say, but I am defiantly considering it.
I am not a bone marrow donor, and I don't think I am an organ donor. People can sign up to be an organ donor when they get a driver's license. They can also sign up through organizations such as Taylor's gift. People can be bone marrow donors through organizations too. I think that some people (myself sometimes included) aren't bone marrow donors because we don't know much about bone marrow donation and/or people are scared to get holes drilled into them. Also, a reason to not be an organ donor is that people might fear that there bodies are mutilated after they die. I will consider bone marrow donation and signing up to be an organ donor in the future. For now, I don't think I'm signed up.
I’m not a bone marrow donor but I am an organ donor. I want to register to become a bone marrow donor in the near future, just in case, I later get contacted to be a match for a recipient. I recently found out about how simple it is to register online and how the donor bank will later contact you if you seem to be a match. You can register online for both bone marrow and organ donation, and you can also select to be an organ donor once you get your driver’s license. I think maybe some people choose not to because they've never really placed much thought into it, some for religious reasons, and some because they’re afraid of the pain that comes with a kidney transplant or donating bone marrow. I think you could really get more people to become bone marrow donors if you spread how simple it is to join the registry. Before this class, I thought just trying to be a bone marrow donor would be a complicated process to begin with. I think I thought that bone marrow was something that would normally be donated by a sibling or a family member. As a kid, my childhood friend, Michael, provided bone marrow for his younger sister, Elisa, who had been fighting leukemia since she was a toddler and I remember he didn't come out to play for an entire week. Then when he did, he had told us about “the massive needle” that he endured. Although my entire neighborhood was hopeful that the transplant would work, unfortunately, the bone marrow transfer was unsuccessful. (I didn't fully understand this till later) I haven’t discussed organ donation with my family and I’m still unsure if any of my family members have chosen to be organ donors. As I become an adult, I have this option to become a bone marrow donor. I think it’s something I want to take part in.
I am not a bone marrow donor, however I am an organ donor. I did this through the DPS when I got my license and have been further inspired by Taylor's Gift. My dad was in New York on 9/11/2001 and actually had a 10 o clock meeting in one of the towers and stayed in New York and donated blood the day after and since then I've been inspired to donate. However for some religions it is not allowed and that is understandable. As for me though, I am going to stick to my decision to donate organs and blood as often as possible.
I am not currently a bone marrow donor or an organ donor of any kind at the moment. If I were to become an organ donor I would have to sign up as an organ and tissue donor in a state donor registry, which is hopefully somewhat close or able to be done online. I think that some people don’t like to become organ donors purely for selfish reasons, but also because some people that donate their organs can’t get to the person that needs them in time. Also common myths such as, not being given priority in the hospital if they are organ donors and an open casket funeral isn’t possible if you have donated an organ , are what detour people from becoming organ donors. When I am 18 I plan to become an organ donor. I do not see anything wrong with being an organ and donor and would be happy to help someone out or even save their life if I could. I haven’t talked to my family about it but I will when the time comes.
I'm not a bone marrow donor or an organ donor because I didn't even know about bone marrow donation existed till now and I haven't ever really discussed organ donation with my family or friends ever. To become an organ donor, one can just tick the box when they are given their license. Also, you can just go online and register at sites like Another way to do is to tell your family that after you pass away it's okay for them to donate your organs to another being. Bone Marrow is interesting because you do it when you "alive" and can feel good about saving someone's life. To become a bone marrow donor you can go online and register after they will contact you to take a blood sample and then you just wait till there's a match that you can donate to. Some people chose not to because they've never discussed this with their family/friends which also applies to me. Also, it could be because of religious reasons. I'm not sure if I'm ready to sign up for it yet but I really want to be a bone marrow donor because you see the person you might be helping out in your lifetime. Even though it seems a little scary, I think its well worth the pain.
I am not a bone marrow donor but I am a certified organ donor. I never knew that you could actually sign up to be a bone marrow donor until this year, but I don't know if I would be able to do that because it sounds kind of painful which is why many people avoid this procedure even though it can be life-saving. To sign up as an organ donor, a person can check that option when getting their license. They can also go to websites that are posted on Taylor's Gift to register. I am already signed up to be an organ donor, so that I would do, but I would probably donate bone marrow only if one of my close friends or a family member was in need.
I am an organ donor, Taylor's passing was influential and I decided to take part and become one. One can become an organ donor at and One can also find these websites on the Taylor's Gift website as well. I became an organ donor when I got my license for the first time, by checking the organ donation box. I feel like all people should be organ donors, I know that there are some religious beliefs that hold people back from doing this; but what good are your organs after you die unless you give them to someone that needs them? I think the subject is a little touchy because no one really wants to talk about dying and giving their vital organs to someone else. Although bone marrow is a completely different subject. I would want to be a bone marrow donor, but I feel like going through with it would be really hard. Bone marrow transplants happen when you're life is in full swing. It's pretty invasive surgery so I feel like it would be pretty hard to picture actually going through with it. Overall, giving organs and bone marrow is a beautiful thing in that I feel as if it is the most genuine way to help someone, there is no money or anything else involved but yourself.
No, I am not an organ donor, or a bone marrow donor. For someone to become a donor, they must first register online. Once someone registers, the next time they renew their license, they need to tell the DMV that they want to be a donor so they can put a symbol on the license that shows they are planning on being a donor. If someone is not getting their license renewed anytime soon, one should get a donor card from Division of transplantation, which one should carry around with them everywhere. Lastly, one should tell their family. When someone dies, even with a donor card, the hospital must have permission to remove the organ. My family and I have not talked about becoming a donor. Even though it's a good cause, I will most likely not be a donor. It's just something that kind of makes me feel weird when I think of that subject. Donating is a great thing, especially when it's something as important as an organ or marrow.
I am not a bone marrow donor however I just recently became an organ donor. For many they make the decision when they renew their license which the DMV are able to then put a symbol in the bottom right corner that indicates you are a donor. Although, if you are due anytime soon for a license renewal you can get a donor card from Division of Transplantation which you would carry around at all times. Some people choose not to be a donor because they either are afraid it will hurt to give bone marrow or for religious purposes aren't allowed to. It’s kind of hard to say if i would donate or not because i know i would want to be a bone marrow donor but i am one of those people afraid of the pain however if it came down to it, i feel that i would go through with the process and donate because i know i would want someone to do they same for me if needed. Yes i have talked to my family about being a donor which is why i decided to be an organ donor. The Storch's go to our church so it became a little more personal and i really felt the need to become one. I haven't really talked to them about being a bone marrow donor but that is something i plan to do in the future.
I have been an organ donor ever since I got my driver's license back when I was 16. I always thought it would be beneficial to other people who needed certain organs to live. I think it is important and it would make a tragedy turn into something beautiful for another person in need. I am not a blood marrow donator mainly because I was unaware you could donate such a thing. Now that I have knowledge of this I am really considering donating just because marrow is reproduced. Yes this process might hurt but a little pain never killed anybody and it is for a good cause. I feel people are unaware how easy it is to become a donor and if we had PSAs about this more people would donate.
No I am not a bone marrow donor and I am not an organ donor however I would like to be an organ donor. A way to become an organ donor is by going to the Taylor's Gift website and register. It is fairly easy. For people that do not want to be a donor, I assume they dont want to be a donor because they cannot understand the thought of removing parts out of a once living body. For me, I would love to be a donor but I need to have a more serious conversation with my parents about it.
I am not a bone marrow donor but I am an organ donor. To become an organ donor you have to go through the state and register. I first went through Taylor's Gift to become an organ donor and then they sent me to the state. I think some people wouldn't want to be an organ donor because they just don't like the thought of somebody else having their organs. And also some people may believe that if you're in some situation and a docker knows you're a donor, they may not treat you as well. I think organ and bone marrow donating is a great thing. If you can save some bodies life, why wouldn't you? I would like to become a bone marrow donor but do not know much about it and would like to learn more about it.
I am not currently an organ donor nor a bone marrow donor. The primary reason for this is because I did not want to deal with signing up when I got my license and havn't taken the time out of my schedule to sign up. the organ donor part is not a problem to me because most cases involve taking my organs post-death unless it's a family member that needs an organ I can live without. If my body can be used in any way to help out another's life especially my family while I'm alive or dead then I'll be glad. The bone marrow donor however sounds like an intimidating procedure. The main reason why I along with many others out there are skeptical on this process is because of the fear of pain and the thought of having marrow taken out of your body. People can sign up to become a donor for each online or at a doctor/dmv. I personally have not discussed becoming either of the two with my family.
I am signed up as an organ donor should I die anytime soon. I am, however, not a bone marrow donor.To become an organ donor you have to go through the state and register. I became an organ donor when I received my Texas Driver's License. I think some people wouldn't want to be an organ donor because they just don't like the thought of somebody else having their organs or they don't realize that there is an option to only donate in case of death. And also some people may believe that if you're in some situation and a docker knows you're a donor, they may not treat you as well. I think organ and bone marrow donating is a great thing. If you can save someone's life by donating, why wouldn't you? I would like to become a bone marrow donor but do not know a lot about bone marrow donation but I would like to know more about it in order to discuss the possibility of donating.
I am not a bone marrow donor. I am an organ donor though. In order to become an organ donor or a bone marrow donor you need to sign up online or you can fill it out when you get your drivers license. Some people choose not too become an organ donor or a bone marrow doner because i think most people dont understand what they are being asked or they are like what i am going to give my organs what.. no. HA! I am going to donate. I am an organ donor so other people can have my organs haah but im actually not quite sure what a bone marrow is. Also we i have discussed being a organ donor with my parents and they told me that it was up to me.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor simply because there is not much publicity surrounding it, so I don't hear much about it. After browsing on the website, I learned that donating is actually an easy process that consists of meeting certain health requirements, applying for a registration kit, and swabbing your cheek. Because the sign up for bone marrow donation is made so simple on Be the Match, I would definitely consider signing up. Organ donation on the other hand is a well known cause because of Taylor Storch and the Taylor's Gift organization but also because it is close to my family. Some people are afraid to sign up to be an organ donor because it may creep them out and many have thought that doctors could act differently towards an organ donor during certain situations knowing that if the patient didn't make it, their organs could at least be donated. I have spoken with my family and we all decided that organ donation is a wonderful thing and we are all signed up. Bone marrow donation is something we need to talk about in the future because it too can save lives.
ReplyDeleteAt this moment, I am not a bone marrow donor. It is not because I do not want to be, it is just because honestly, the thought had never really crossed my mind. After exploring the website, I realized just how easy it is to go about becoming a bone marrow bone marrow donor. All you have to do is meet certain health criteria such as having a normal iron count, applying for a registration kit, and completing a cheek swab. I think in the next few years, I will become a bone marrow donor. I feel like it is an easy way to save a life. As for organ donation, I am not quite sure about yet. In theory, I want to become one because it is just so easy to check a box when you register for your drivers license. However, whenever I register, I always freak out a little. It is just such a big deal to imagine yourself dead and donating organs. Hopefully I will get the courage to become one one day. I want to be able to save lives. Taylor's Gift foundation does an excellent job of promoting organ donation and it would be so cool to help work for a foundation that promotes saving lives.
ReplyDeleteI am neither a bone marrow or organ donor. If one would like to be, though, registration is extremely easy. Visit and fill out a registration. It's important, however, that you have a conversation with your family about your wishes, because even though you may be in the registry, your family could still decide that what to do with your organs in the event that you pass away. But if it's so easy, why aren't more people registered as organ donors? Truthfully, it's because people are not informed. Taylor's Gift has been a great way of informing the citizens of Coppell about organ donation, but not everyone has been as exposed to the information like us. Most don't know how their family or funeral would be affected by being an organ donor, and because of this, do not feel comfortable signing up. In actuality, your family does not have to pay for the procedure, and the cost is charged to the organ recipient's insurance. Also, your funeral would not be greatly affected as your body would still be eligible for an open casket viewing. Hopefully, those hesitant in registering to become an organ donor will have their questions and then make a well informed decision.
ReplyDeleteI am neither a bone marrow donor or a an organ donor, even though it is very easy to sign up for both. Online you can find organizations for both, like Taylor's Gift or Be The Match, that will provide you with a step by step sign up. Sometimes this can be a scary decision for people, dealing with the thought of death or surgery. But knowing that both of these decisions are beneficial for other people and will save lives makes it worth every bit. I think that discussing both these things with your family is a smart idea, and signing up for them is something my family and I are definitely looking into!
ReplyDeleteAlthough I am not an organ donor or blood marrow donor, I have donated blood several times before and I do believe and support others to do the same. I strongly feel that it is a great, noble action to give something of what you have that you don’t necessarily need to others that require it. One thing that I truly admire about donating is the relative ease it takes in becoming a donor. Today’s high technology era allows people to become donors quite conveniently. It’s basically finding the right website and filling out the necessary personal information about yourself and a click. You can also fill out a form that allows you to place you as a donor on your driver’s license as well. There are so many numerous ways that one can be involved in donation. I feel that because there is such a large outlet , there are little excuses for why people shouldn’t at least be aware of the change they potentially have in one’s life.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor, well because it has never occurred to me to become one. I feel that a large population is in the same boat as me, and is just uninformed and would be more than happy to become one. It is a very simple process to become a donor, all you have to do is to sign up on "". But if you want to donate there are some medical guidelines that you must meet in order to become a donor.
ReplyDeleteI am an organ donor and I signed up when I got my driver's license. To become an organ donor you can either do it when you get your driver's license or you may sign up online and Taylor's Gift is one way to do that.
The reason why some people would choose not to is because they are unaware of donations. Some people have never heard of bone marrow and organ donations. Other reasons why people think they do not want to be a donor is because they are unhealthy, too old, or too young. There are very few reasons that disqualify your organs and bone marrow from any kind of transplant. There are a lot of people who need organs and bone marrow so do not count yourself out!
I do very much want to continue as an organ donor and become a bone marrow donor. I have discussed being an organ donor with my parents and we have a mutual agreement that I want my organs to be donated, but we have not had a conversation about being a bone marrow donor.
I am not a bone marrow donor but I am an organ donor. I just checked the little box when I got my drivers license but I know that the only way to know for sure that you will show up in the state registry is to go to There are a million reasons that people don't want to donate organs: religious views, how they think it will effect the funeral, or their believe that their organs or bones wouldn't be useful because of smoking or drinking habits. All of the questions could be answered on the website. These reasons mainly apply to people's apprehensions about donating organs, but the main reason people don't donate marrow is the pain. I would only be willing to donate marrow if it was needed by a family member, or if I was someones only hope for survival.
ReplyDeleteI am neither a bone marrow nor organ donor. In order to become a bone marrow donor, one must preferably be between the ages of 18-44 and join the match registry where doctors can anonymously choose patients based on their ancestry. In order to become an organ donor, you must indicate it on your license when applying for one, sign up on your state’s donor registry, and/or include it in your will. Some choose not to become a bone marrow or organ donor because they are unaware of both processes and how they may really impact ones life or just not interested in the process. Personally, I would never become an organ donor. I prefer to give blood or do something to society that doesn’t involve surgery or removal of my organs in my body. I know it happens when I die, but I just feel somehow about it. However, even though I haven’t really thought about bone marrow donation, I may do it in the future after I learn more about the process and hear more reviews about the procedure. I haven’t signed up to be an organ donor and don’t intend to. I have discussed the process with my family, and we’re all pretty much on the same boat; but my mom may donate her organs if she is able, she’s just not sure about it yet.
ReplyDeleteI became informed of organ donation a few years ago when Taylor Storch past away. Though the event was tragic in so many ways, her death has impacted our community and even our country in positive ways. I decided to become an organ donor simply because there is no other use for my organs when I pass way besides, well, giving them to a person in need. If I have the possibility of saving even one life, i'll donate my organs when I die. As for bone marrow donation, however, I am still debating. It sounds horribly painful but it would help an individual in need.
ReplyDeleteIt is a fairly simple task for one to become an organ donor. People have the option when renewing their drivers license or can simply go to the Donate Life website and sign up.
I am not a bone marrow donor because I was never educated about being a donor. If bone marrow transplants were as promoted as organ donations, I would. I am however an organ donor, I simply just checked a box while getting my license. I encourage others to donate and I understand that it is their decision. I personally think that if more people were educated about organ donation and bone marrow transplants, more people would be donors. It is really easy to sign up, to be an organ donor you can sign up while getting your license or online, same as being a bone marrow donor. I have not discussed organ donation with my family although I am an organ donor. I don't think it is up to them to decide what I can do with my body even after I die. I will probably tell them today after school and urge them to do the same.
ReplyDeleteI became an organ donor when I turned 16 when I got my license. For anyone who is not a donor you can visit and fill out a registration. This is something that is very important to do. I think more people became aware when the Taylor's Gift promoted it. I've heard that donating bone marrow can be very painful so that probably keeps some people from donating. If it came down to it, I would do it for a family member. In order to be a bone marrow donor you must be between the ages of 18 & 44. It is an important subject that people should be more aware about because there are many many people in need of vital organs and other bone marrow.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I am not a bone marrow donor, I am an organ donor. To become an organ donor, I checked off the box on my license form when I went to renew it after I turned 17. Some people choose not to because they do not like the idea of other people taking their organs after they have passed. I chose to become one because if I die and still have good organs, I want to be able to help other people so they may keep their life. I don't need my body after I die anyway, so why not help other people out. My family has discussed this before and all of us are organ donors, but I don't think any of us are bone marrow donors. I didn't really even know that you could do that.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor or a organ donor. After reading about Taylor's Gift on the website and reading what it is all about, I am interested in becoming one now. To become an organ donor I know two ways that I can proceed to do to become an organ donor.One is through the Taylor's Gift website there is a place where you can click on the button and it takes you to a website where I can proceed to become an organ donor. A second way is when I renew my license I can check the box to say I would like to be an organ donor. I would like to become a organ donor because I was inspired by Taylor's story. I discussed the decision with my family and explained how I wanted to save someone's life once I pass away. They agreed if it was something I wanted to do. Some people might not want to become one because the idea of their organs going to a stranger could be strange to them. From personal experiences, One of my close mentor's from church needed a kidney transplant to save her life and she received a kidney from a Woman right at the last minute to save her life. Donating organs is a powerful thing and can save many lives.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor, but I am an organ donor. I think that the main reason that I am not a bone marrow donor is because I do not know a lot about it. I have not talked to my family about it, but I think that this topic would definitely be something to talk about with them. In the future, I might sign up to be a bone marrow donor once I am more educated on it. To become an organ donor, I just checked a box when I got my drivers license. I think that the main reason that people sign up for organ donation is because it is so easy and accessible. You do not have to visit a website or fill out any information, so people are more likely to become a donor. I think that some people choose not to be an organ donor because they do not know what it entails or what the potential risks are of becoming one. I chose to be an organ donor because I know that after I die, I will not need any of my organs anymore. Maybe my organs will be used to save someone's life.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor but I am an organ donor. From what I’ve read online and heard about, becoming an organ donor is fairly simple and only requires little paperwork. (most teenagers become organ donors when they get their licenses) People can also sign up online at Be the Match. However, a lot of people are saying that it’s all simple to become a bone marrow donor, which I don’t think is completely true. I volunteered in a bone marrow drive, passing out pamphlets and encouraging people to sign up, and from what I saw, it required quite a bit of paperwork, some of which asked questions that the donor-to-be didn’t know. Getting people to sign up was the easy part but getting them to stay after they had gotten through half the paperwork was difficult. Although many people would like to become donors, I saw that most were discouraged by the 20 to 30 minutes it took to fill out the forms. A lot also felt as if their medical and physical conditions immediately ruled them out of the chance of becoming a bone marrow donor. Also, I think a large part of why more people aren’t donors is because they are not aware of the processes involved in becoming one. I myself would like to be a bone marrow donor, but I’m somewhat hesitant because it sounds extremely painful. Still, I think that if donating parts of your body could save someone’s life, it is worth it. I’ve talked to parents about it, and although they’re a little hesitant, they both agreed that I should do what I want because it’s my choice.
ReplyDeleteI am not a Organ donor nor a bone marrow donor. I didn't really know much about this subject until I researched the internet. In order to become a donor, all you have to do is sign up online at I haven't really discussed with my parents on this matter because I didn't know much about this but I do think that this is a good thing to do and may sign up for it later in the future. I believe that people do not sign up for this because they are not aware of it like in my case. I think if more people knew about how easy it is to become a donor and what it really means to be one, there would be a lot more people signed up.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor, however I am a organ donor. I became an organ donor in 2010, with the death of my friend Taylor Storch through I was planning on becoming an organ donor whenever I got my license, however I figured that something could happen before then and I would want to donate my organs. Some people do not want to become organ donors because they do not see the benefits or they want their body to be whole, however that is not they case with me. Everyone in my family is an organ donor, it is something that is very important to me personally. I think that everyone should sign up, many lives would be saved and it is the right thing to do.
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ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor, simply because I do not know much about it. When you get your license renewed, you are asked if you would like to become an organ donor. Nevertheless, the steps to become a bone marrow donor are not quite as easy. Therefore, I am an organ donor, but not a bone marrow donor. I am a strong believer and promoter of being an organ donor because once we pass away, we no longer have any need or use for our organs. With that said, I believe that everyone should become an organ donor. The process is easy, and it is not painful, considering it is a procedure done when you have already passed away. By donating your organs, you could ultimately save someone's life, which is definitely worth checking a little box when getting your license renewed. However, if I am ever faced with the choice or opportunity to become a bone marrow donor down the road, I would probably want to do that too.
ReplyDeleteNo, I am not a bone marrow donor but I am a organ donor. I don't think I will become a bone marrow donor, but being an organ donor is simple. When you get a driver's license they ask you if you want to be a registered organ donor. I personally think that everyone should be an organ donor. It is a way for someone to make an impact on other people's lives, even after they are gone. I'm not sure why someone wouldn't to be an organ donor but that is their choice and there is nothing wrong with that. I just feel like once I am gone there is no reason why i need to hold onto my organs, I would rather they go to someone that is in need and it could possibly save their life. After seeing that effect that Taylor Storch had on the people she helped I was more then happy to become an organ donor. It truly is something I would want for myself once I'm gone. It gives me comfort to think that I could possibly be helping someone to live.
ReplyDeleteNo, I am not a bone marrow donor but I am a organ donor. I don't think I will become a bone marrow donor, but being an organ donor is simple. When you get a driver's license they ask you if you want to be a registered organ donor. I personally think that everyone should be an organ donor. It is a way for someone to make an impact on other people's lives, even after they are gone. I'm not sure why someone wouldn't to be an organ donor but that is their choice and there is nothing wrong with that. I just feel like once I am gone there is no reason why i need to hold onto my organs, I would rather they go to someone that is in need and it could possibly save their life. After seeing that effect that Taylor Storch had on the people she helped I was more then happy to become an organ donor. It truly is something I would want for myself once I'm gone. It gives me comfort to think that I could possibly be helping someone to live.
ReplyDeleteNo, I am not a bone marrow donor; I do not plan to become a bone marrow donor either. I am a organ donor, and have been since 2011 when I got my driver’s license. Organ donors can sign up when getting or renewing a driver's license. To become a bone marrow donor, you must register online. Many people (myself included) do not register to be a bone marrow donor because of the pain associated with donating. I have not discussed becoming a bone donor with my family because I have no intention of becoming one, but the conversation with my parents about becoming an organ donor was a short one. They understood the positive impacts that organ donation can have and supported me in my decision.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor, but I am an organ donor. In order to sign up to become an organ donor, they ask if you'd like to be one when you get your license, or you can sign up at Some people may choose not to become a donor because it can go against their beliefs, or they are not aware of the fact they could be saving someone's life. I think being a donor is a great thing to do because there could be some body out there who is in need of an organ to save their life, and you could be the perfect match. If it's something I no longer need, why be selfish and keep it to myself? Signing up to be a donor is the right thing to do.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor, or a organ donor, but I would be interested in being an organ donor. I don't think I would be interested in donating bone marrow though, because I'm kind of afraid of the process. I believe that I am not alone, most people are probably in the same boat that I'm in because they are scared too. Some people hate to even give blood, me included, so the thought of being drilled into isn't that attractive of an option. Being an organ donor on the other hand I wouldn't mind doing, I'll have to talk to my family first about it first, but hopefully I can someday register as an organ donor.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor, but I am an organ donor. I became an organ donor last year when I got my drivers license. The easiest way for a person to become a donor is through this mean. I simply asked my mom if I could become an organ donor when I was going to get my license and her answer was simply because I was doing something for the good of others and she couldn't say no. I think organ donations are a great thing and everyone should sign up to be one. It can't hurt but it can help others a lot. As for being a bone marrow donor, this process is known to be painful. Although I think it is a great idea and wish I had the courage to sign up to be one, I don't know that I would actually ever sign up to be one. You actually have to go out and sign up to be a bone marrow donor on your own where as you simply say yes or no when getting or renewing a license for organ donations. In the future, I might could see myself signing up to be a bone marrow donor.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor nor am I an organ donor. You can become a bone marrow donor by going on to the link . The biggest reason many people do not donate is because they have religious reasons or because they really can not tolerate being strapped to a chair and having their blood taken out from their body. I will not donate because of religious circumstances but if I could I would. We need blood donors for helping people with blood diseases such as sickle cell or with people who go through surgeries with a great amount of blood loss and desperately require blood. But despite this fact I cannot donate any organs or marrow myself.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor nor a organ donor. To become a donor you can Google, "how to become a bone marrow and/or organ donor. Or go to, to become a bone marrow donor, and, to become a organ donor. I think people choose not to become a donor is because they simply don't know how to. I know many people, including myself, that do not know how to become a bone marrow donor. If I was given a choice between the two, I would choose to become an organ donor. The reason being is that, it would be painless and becoming an organ donor is easy and quick. Plus, once you pass away you won't need your organs, so it would be best if you donated them to someone who is in need of an organ. Next time I go get my drivers license renewed, I will consider checking the box to become an organ donor.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor or an organ donor. There are two ways to become and bone marrow or organ donor. One, you can go to these websites, for bone marrow go here: and for organ donor go here: Some people choose not to become donors because it is against their religion and some people just have a fear of becoming a donor and not being healthy enough to be able to donate. I chose not to because I didn’t really know what it meant at the time but know that I heard about it more and see how effective it is, I may change my mind and ask my parents if I can be an organ donor. i have not yet discussed this subject with my parents but now I will.
ReplyDeleteI am not, and do not plan on becoming a bone marrow donor. However, when I turned sixteen and got my driver's license, I became an organ donar as well. That process was extremely easy, seeing as all I had to do was simply ask my mom and then check a small box. I realized the benefits of becoming an organ donor thanks to Taylor's Gift, and it is because of that organization that I am an organ donor today. On the other hand, I have a very low tolerance for pain, so the thought of being a bone marrow donor terrifies me, and as much as I would love to become one to help those in need, I can't bring myself to do it. I have never discussed becoming a bone marrow donor with my parents, and nor do I plan to. However, I am a proud organ donor, and I wish more people would become organ donors.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor nor am I an organ donor. The idea of becoming an organ donor is now very prevalent to the Coppell community, now that we have the Taylor's Gift Foundation that the Storch family started because of the death of their daughter. You can very easily become an organ donor when getting your drivers license renewed. All you do is check a box saying you would like to become a donor when renewing. You can become a bone marrow through I think a lot of people aren't donors because it is an eye opening decision you have to make. It is a really mature decision an individual has to make because you are ultimately choosing what happens to you when you die. I have not really taken the time to talk about this subject with my family but it has definitely been in my thoughts in the past few years. I think people that are not donors simply don't know enough about organ/bone marrow donation or might be afraid to think about it. If I ever decide I want to become either type of donor, I will make sure it is something that I feel passionate about and would feel proud becoming one.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow plainly because this year was the first time I heard about becoming a bone marrow. I'm not an organ donor because my parents won't allow me to be one. The number one reason people fail to donate organs is because they are are afraid of what is going to happen to their body after the procedure. They also think doctors wont try their hardest to resuscitate then after an accident. Overall, fear is what is stopping them because they are uneducated about what really happens when in reality the procedure is safe and easy. In order to become a donor the first thing one needs to do is sign up under their state's donor registry. Next they need to consult with family members and faith leaders about the decision to get feedback and make sure they are okay with what one has decided. Lastly make sure it is known that you are a donor by putting it in your drivers license, your will, and advance directives. After researching about this topic I would not mind being an organ donor. First off there will be no pain and it is for a good cause. My organs are not being used so why not give them to someone in need? While I think I could persuade my parents into letting me be an organ donor, I don't believe they would allow me to be a bone marrow donor especially at this age. Although it is for a good cause, the risk could effect me negatively. My parents, being over protective, are preventing me now, but when I get older I might consider it.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow nor organ donor. I have never really discussed it with my parents but i know they are not donors and i don't really know why. In order to become an organ donor you just check a box when you renew your license, but you still have to go through test to make sure you are stable enough to be considered to be a donor. I know that if you want to become a bone marrow donor it is much more complicated and painful, and honestly i don't want to go through all that pain. I would not mind being an organ donor I just need to discuss it more into detail with my parents. I think most people don't want to become donors because of the risk you can have from donating bone marrow or organs. Being a donor is a great help to those who need it but it can also be very dangerous, but even if you are a donor there may be a great chance that you will never even be called into donate anything because you and the other person must have the same blood type and all other stuff.
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ReplyDeleteI am currently not a bone marrow donor because this was the first year that I’ve heard about it. After hearing about it though, I think it is something that I would consider doing because it is a minimally invasive surgery and people are usually up and walking after 2-3 days. Also, providing my bone marrow to someone whose life depends on it is reason enough for me to go through with the surgery. As for organ donation, I registered to be an organ donor through the Taylor’s gift website about one year ago. Organ donation is a good thing because through my death or someone else’s death, another person can be given life. I have discussed organ donation with my family and we all agree that it is very beneficial so we all registered through the Taylor’s Gift website. Some people may be nervous to sign up because they don’t want to think about themselves dying or they think that giving their organs to someone is gross or whatever the case may be. But if they saw what an impact Taylor Storch had and the number of lives she saved by donating her organs, I think they would reconsider not singing up.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor, but I am an organ donor. I decided to become a donor after an accident that occurred my freshman. Taylor Storch, an eighth grader at the time, was on a ski trip with her family and she ended up getting injured very badly and her parents had to make an important decision. They decided to donate Taylor’s organs and help save someone else’s life. After hearing this inspiring story, I talked to my parents and decided that I wanted to become an organ donor. Right then and there my mom, dad, brother, and I all became donors. You can sign up to become an organ donor by logging onto the Taylor’s Gift website. You can become a bone marrow donor by logging onto and signing up. Although it is beneficial to others, some people choose not to be bone marrow donors because it is said to be painful. This is one of the main reasons why I am hesitant about signing up because you have to have a lot of recovery time from the surgery. Organ donation and bone marrow donating are both great ways to help others in need continue on with their lives with better ways of living.
ReplyDeleteI am neither a bone marrow nor an organ donor. To be an organ donor, I can check a box when I go renew my license at the DPS or I can just sign up online at To be a bone marrow donor, it’s a bit more complicated. You sign up online at You have to make sure that you meet the basic health guidelines. Then you go and complete the online form and order the registration kit to be mailed to your house. Once the kit is mailed, you have to swab your cheeks and send the kit back in, so that they can test if you can donate. Some choose not to donate mainly because they are afraid of the pain. I would like to donate my organs, but I haven’t checked the box yet. As for donating my bone marrow, I’m not really sure due to the pain it causes. I think everybody should donate because it can save so many lives.
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ReplyDeletei am not a bone marrow donor but i am an organ donor. i have never heard of a bone marrow donors until this week really, i didnt even know that they existed. after much research to sign up to be a donor is really easy im just not sure if i really want to be a bone marrow donor. but if i do i will choose a great organization such as Taylor's gift.i think some people are not donors because of lack of advertisements and local media on the situation. but yea being a organ donor at least is a good thing because you never know you might be able to save a life. but for for me to be a bone marrow donor i need to speak more with my parents of the situation. but the idea doesnt sound all that bad. And honestly I think everyone should be a donor because it can help so many people.
ReplyDeleteI am currently not an organ or bone marrow donor. I never knew that bone marrow donation even existed until now. I find the idea that you can help out someone else so much with such a little operation a fantastic idea! I have yet to talk with my parents about becoming an organ donor but I would like to become one because I would know that I could potentially help out other people. Taylor's gift was a great idea because it raised awareness about organ donation and how it can help more than most people believe. Through Taylor's gift, much awareness was raised about organ donations and most likely made a lot of people become organ donors or feel more comfortable about becoming an organ donor.
ReplyDeleteI am an organ donor, but I am not a bone marrow donor. I am an organ donor because once I am gone there is no need for my organs and many people are waiting for an organ to save their life. I would love to be able to give my organs to someone who is in need. I am not a bone marrow donor mostly because I don’t know much about it. It is also more involved to become one and pretty painful to go through the procedure and recover. I think many people are not organ or bone marrow donors simply because they are uneducated about it. With bone marrow donation, I think there is also fear involved because of the procedure that has to be done. You can become an organ donor by checking a box when renewing your drivers licence or you can sign up online at While becoming a bone marrow donor is a bit more complicated than becoming an organ donor, it is still a fairly easy process. Online you can join the Be The Match Registry. You have to obtain certain health requirements, receive a registration kit, and swab your cheek. Once you are approved to donate marrow, they will contact you if they find a match. You will then go to an information session and a physical examination before going through with the procedure. Taylor’s Gift is a great organization that has done a great job at spreading the word for the need for registered organ donors. It would be helpful if the need for bone marrow donors was advertised more just as Taylor’s Gift has done.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor or an organ donor. I really want to be an organ donor but haven't gotten around to signing up for it. It is really easy to sign up to be an organ donor, you can go to and it tells you all of the info to get there. It takes as little as 60 seconds to sign up. Some people choose not to be an organ donor because they are scared or freaked out that their body parts could go into someone elses body. I really want to be an organ donor, but it would probably be a longer process due to the fact that i am from England. My whole family is willing to donate their organs. It is something we believe is simple and a great way to leave our life on earth.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor yet but i am an organ donor. I became one by checking the box when getting a new drivers license and this is usually how people go about becoming one. Some people choose not to because they feel like they are violating or desecrating their bodies, but sometimes its the parents who don't want their children to do it or some similar case. After learning about bone marrow transplants i would like to become one just because its simply and could potentially help a lot of people. My family supports my decision to be an organ donor, as everyone else in my family is, and i know they would support the decision to be a bone marrow donor as well.
ReplyDeleteI became an organ donor this six weeks when I renewed my license at the DPS. All you do is check a box on a form and voila. It is important to be an organ donor because it can save someone's and you have nothing to lose. I am not a bone marrow donor. I am terrified of needles and the doctor's office which is the primary reason I am not a donor. However, I wish that I could overcome this fear because being a bone marrow donor could save someone's life. It is a more difficult process than checking a box at the DPS. You sign up online, are checked for certain heath requirements and swab your cheek. The organization will then contact you if they have a match. Both modes of donation are extremely important.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor but I am an organ donor. To become an organ, you can sign up to be one at the DPS or even go to to register. I choose to become an organ donor after I realized how many lives it can save. I honestly think that people who aren’t a donor probably just haven’t researched about it. I would donate because being able to save lives is such a good thing to do. I did not discuss organ donation with my family before I signed up because I felt like it is my body therefore it is my decision.
ReplyDeleteI am neither a bone marrow nor an organ donor. It is very simple for one to become an organ donor, all you have to do in check a small box when you get your license or go to renew your license at the DPS, also you can sign up online at In order to become a bone marrow donor, you can go to to sign up online. The process for this is a little more complex mainly because you have to make sure that you meet the basic health requirements in order to be eligible to be a marrow donor. After that, all you have to do is complete the form online and order the registration kit that will be mailed to you. The kit is used for them to test if you are a candidate to be a donor. Often people decide not to donate bone marrow because either is goes against personal or religious beliefs or they fear that it will be painful. I’m not an organ donor mainly because it is not a subject that has been brought up for discussion with my parents. I’m not against becoming one, but it is something that would have to be discussed first. I definitely would encourage others to become an organ donor because you can help save many people's lives. On another note, I am not interested in becoming a bone marrow donor, although it would go to a good cause, it’s just not something I’d be willing to do.
ReplyDeleteI am an organ donor and I just asked my parents when i went to go be my license if I could and they said yes. Some people may not because there may be a religious thing that keeps them from donating. Yes if I was put in the situation I would donate in order to help someone and save their life. I believe that if I no longer need my organs and unable to use them then they should be put to use and given to someone that would be able to use them.
ReplyDeleteI personally am an organ donor, I believe that if I were to die, I wouldn't really need my organs anyways so other people are welcome to them. I think it's really cool for people to donate their organs because there will always be others in need who deserve them. Organ donation is a worthy cause the needs more supporters!
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor, nor am I an organ donor. You can become one by signing up on or by signing up when you get your license. Some people choose not to be, because of religious reasons, or they just choose not to. I feel like if it came down to it, I probably wouldn't say I would be one, but if something did happen to me, I would let whoever make that decision for me, I really wouldn't care either way.
ReplyDeleteIm not a bone marrow donor but I am an organ donor. I became an organ donor When I was about 14. Right when Taylor's Gift was created because I knew taylor well and it touched me personally and I wanted to show my support to Mr. and Mrs. Storch. Some people might choose not to simply because of religious reasons or some think that the doctor won't try as hard to save them if they are a match for an organ that is needed. I personally don't believe this and I talked to my family and they supported me and my mom is a bone marrow donor through be the match and my dad is also an organ donor. Texas has a low percentage of donors so I wanted to help increase that percentage.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor, but I am an organ donor. You can either sign up through taylor's gift, or sign up when you get your license. Some people choose to not be an organ donor or bone marrow donor, because of religious reasons and maybe their parents wouldn't allow it. Well yes I would, because I am an organ donor, and I believe that it is possible that I could change a life.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor nor am I a organ donor. You can become an organ donor by saying yes on the forms at the DPS when you go to get your license or signing up at When I went to go get my license, I checked no because I never gave much thought to it. Organ donors and bone marrow donors differ in their reasons for donating. Those who do not want to donate bone marrow think it is too painful of a procedure and are frightened by the whole procedure in general. Some people choose not be an organ donor because of their outlook on life in general. Some don't want their bodies being tampered with when they die, and many are not organ donors because of their religious beliefs. As for me, I have not signed up because I haven't put much thought into it, nor have I ever had the discussion. In the future, I would most likely sign up to be an organ donor or bone marrow donor because there are people who are in need and if I can contribute to saving a life, I would be happy for those who I can help. I think many should donate because it will help save lives.
ReplyDeleteI am a organ donator. My parents allowed me to decided for myself if i wanted to be a organ donator or not. Others can simply ask and have a conversation with their parents and discuss their own beliefs if they want to become one. I think that some people choose not to become a organ or bone morrow donator because of either religious beliefs or because they are simple not comfortable with fact that once they have past away they will be cut up. I chose to become an organ donator because i find comfort in the fact that once i have past away i may be helping someone and saving a life.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I am not a bone marrow donor, I am an organ donor. To become an organ donor it is a simple process of saying yes on the form for your drivers license each year is renewed. Becoming a bone marrow donor can be done by going to and signing up to be a part of the "Be The Match" registry. Once registered you send in a cheek swab so that the registry can have DNA on file to make matches with. Whenever a patient is in need of a bone marrow transplant and they match your blood type the registry will contact you for further testing to ensure that you are the perfect match and healthy for the operation. Some aren't bone marrow donors because they are ill informed or due to the risks of the operation. Some feel uncomfortable with organ donation after they are dead or cannot donate due to health reasons or complications. I am an organ donor because I believe that it is something that I can give back to the world that will outlive me and benefit other lives even in my death. I am not a bone marrow donor because I have not been well informed on it and the idea of the operation is somewhat scary to me. However I feel that in the future I would register to be a bone marrow donor and continue to be an organ donor.
ReplyDeleteI am an organ donor. To sign up to be one is easy, you can just check a box whenever you renew your license. I believe that whenever you die, it doesn't mean that someone else shouldn't have the opportunity to live, and you should be able to give life to another person, and that is the reason that I am an organ donor. However, I am not a bone marrow donor. I have read some books where people donate bone marrow in order to save a loved ones life, and the way they describe it in books kinds of scares me. If a loved one needed me to donate bone marrow, I would, but I don't think I will sign up to be one on my own.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor, but I am an organ donor. To become an bone marrow donor, all you need to do is sign up for something like, online or in person. You will need to give a sample of DNA so that you can be matched with patients. To become an organ donor, you also sign up for something like Also, you may designate this option on your driver's license. Something keeping people from becoming an organ donor is the fear that doctors won't work as hard to save your life, but in reality, doctors are more concerned at the moment with saving your life rather than someone else's. One of the biggest factors, however, is religion. It is against many people's beliefs to do so. Also, people worry about not being able to have an open casket funeral. This is actually something that they shouldn't worry about because the evidence is usually discrete and covered by clothing. Although my family and I have not discussed it, they know that I have chosen to be an organ donor on my license. It's very scary to think that part of you will live after you die, and that they will be such a part of someone else. However, I believe that it's an act of kindness and would rather be able to help someone, than go to the grave in an act of selfishness with something I will no longer need.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor, but I am an organ donor. It is actually very simple to become an organ donor. All you have to do is check the box verifying that you wish to be one when you get your driver's license renewed each year. You can sign up to be a bone marrow donor by going to think that some people don't want to be donors simply because they are worried about the future and whether or not they will need their organs and/or marrow.I personally believe that I would offer to donate my organs/marrow if somebody in my family or a close friend was in need of them. I have discussed this subject with my parents and friends, and have made it evident that if something were to happen to me, I would want to donate all of my organs to those in need. I will mostly likely never sign up to be a marrow donor unless it was vital to somebody I am very close to.
ReplyDeleteI am not an organ donor or a bone marrow donor and neither is anyone in my immediate family. To become a bone marrow donor you have to go online and sign up and they send you a swab to get your DNA. Organ donor is an easier process; you just have to check a box when you renew your license at the DPS office. I think people do not become one because it scares them in a way, or they would like to keep themselves all together after they pass. Another reason for not being a donor may be that it is against some religions and beliefs. I don’t really know why I am not one, I don’t have a good reason but I do think I may become one soon. My family and I do not really talk about being donors but I do believe I would donate anything to any of them if they needed it. Bone marrow donation kind of freaks me out but I think if someone in my family needed it I would probably give to them.
ReplyDeleteBecoming an organ donor is a simple process. You can start by having a conversation with your parents, and then whenever you get your license you check the box that says yes I would like to be an organ donor. To become a bone marrow donor you go to and click join now, and you can sign up. Some people choose not to give bone marrow because of religious issues, the procedure itself, or some people have an illness or disease that prevents them from giving marrow. I am an organ donor because I believe that if I die, then someone else should live with my help, I would love to help impact another life. I am not a bone marrow donor, but if my family or friends needed me and I was a match I would definitely donate my blood.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I am not a bone marrow donor, I am actually an organ donor. There are a couple steps in signing up to become a bone marrow donor. You will need to register online and then take DNA tests to categorize your type of bone marrow. Unlike blood transplants, bone marrow is very difficult to find matches. The most common way to find a match is family member or relative. When I first signed up to be an organ donor, I chose to be an organ donor at the DPS. Then I registered online for it. Many people are afraid of the risks involving bone marrow and organ transplants. Being an bone marrow donor can be very painful and it requires time in the hospital for recovery. The risks of being an organ donor can involve infections, complications during surgery, and it could affect ones health in the future. I have discussed with my parents to be an organ donor because I have family who have received organs that saved there lives.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor but I am an organ donor. You come about doing this when you get your license, you can decide then if you would like to be one or not. If you become an organ donor your organs would be given to someone who needs help and you could possibly save someones life. There are risks though, they could have complications in surgery and there will need to be a recovery time. I am hesitant to become a bone marrow donor because if can be painful and needs recovery time. But becoming one could really help someone who matches you, cause finding a marrow donor is very difficult to find. You can become a organ donor by going to tailors gift website. You can become a marrow donor by contacting your doctor and signing up, but you will have to go through a few test. I would highly suggest becoming an organ donor, there really is no better gift than saving someones life.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor, but I am an organ donor. To become a bone marrow donor I found out that a simple way was to go to the taylorsgift website, and they give you steps to become one. To become an organ donor you could look online to see how or become one when you get your license. I think the reason why some are against organ donations is because of religious views. For me i would donate, I think it is a great cause that could really help someone. I haven't really talked to my family about much all i know that my parents are and so is my older brother.
ReplyDeleteI am not bone morrow or organ donor. The process of becoming a donor is fairly easy though. You first must sign up with your states donor registry site and then when you go to get or renew your license, just check off on a quick form stating your want to be a donor. There are others ways to sign up such as malls and other websites such as Also, none of this matters if you don’t consent with your family because doctors cannot continue the process unless your family confirms that is ok. Even though this is an easy process many people do not sign up. Reasons go from religious views all the to (this might sound crazy) conspiracy theories. Also, some people want to leave there body the way it is when the die and there are many other reasons. I personally now have thought about possibly signing up to be a donor. This is because this is a chance to possible save someone’s life so you can’t possibly argue against that. The only thing stopping me from signing up is that I haven’t talked to my family about it yet. I will see what they say, but I am defiantly considering it.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor, and I don't think I am an organ donor. People can sign up to be an organ donor when they get a driver's license. They can also sign up through organizations such as Taylor's gift. People can be bone marrow donors through organizations too. I think that some people (myself sometimes included) aren't bone marrow donors because we don't know much about bone marrow donation and/or people are scared to get holes drilled into them. Also, a reason to not be an organ donor is that people might fear that there bodies are mutilated after they die. I will consider bone marrow donation and signing up to be an organ donor in the future. For now, I don't think I'm signed up.
ReplyDeleteI’m not a bone marrow donor but I am an organ donor. I want to register to become a bone marrow donor in the near future, just in case, I later get contacted to be a match for a recipient. I recently found out about how simple it is to register online and how the donor bank will later contact you if you seem to be a match. You can register online for both bone marrow and organ donation, and you can also select to be an organ donor once you get your driver’s license. I think maybe some people choose not to because they've never really placed much thought into it, some for religious reasons, and some because they’re afraid of the pain that comes with a kidney transplant or donating bone marrow. I think you could really get more people to become bone marrow donors if you spread how simple it is to join the registry. Before this class, I thought just trying to be a bone marrow donor would be a complicated process to begin with. I think I thought that bone marrow was something that would normally be donated by a sibling or a family member. As a kid, my childhood friend, Michael, provided bone marrow for his younger sister, Elisa, who had been fighting leukemia since she was a toddler and I remember he didn't come out to play for an entire week. Then when he did, he had told us about “the massive needle” that he endured. Although my entire neighborhood was hopeful that the transplant would work, unfortunately, the bone marrow transfer was unsuccessful. (I didn't fully understand this till later) I haven’t discussed organ donation with my family and I’m still unsure if any of my family members have chosen to be organ donors. As I become an adult, I have this option to become a bone marrow donor. I think it’s something I want to take part in.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor, however I am an organ donor. I did this through the DPS when I got my license and have been further inspired by Taylor's Gift. My dad was in New York on 9/11/2001 and actually had a 10 o clock meeting in one of the towers and stayed in New York and donated blood the day after and since then I've been inspired to donate. However for some religions it is not allowed and that is understandable. As for me though, I am going to stick to my decision to donate organs and blood as often as possible.
ReplyDeleteI am not currently a bone marrow donor or an organ donor of any kind at the moment. If I were to become an organ donor I would have to sign up as an organ and tissue donor in a state donor registry, which is hopefully somewhat close or able to be done online. I think that some people don’t like to become organ donors purely for selfish reasons, but also because some people that donate their organs can’t get to the person that needs them in time. Also common myths such as, not being given priority in the hospital if they are organ donors and an open casket funeral isn’t possible if you have donated an organ , are what detour people from becoming organ donors. When I am 18 I plan to become an organ donor. I do not see anything wrong with being an organ and donor and would be happy to help someone out or even save their life if I could. I haven’t talked to my family about it but I will when the time comes.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a bone marrow donor or an organ donor because I didn't even know about bone marrow donation existed till now and I haven't ever really discussed organ donation with my family or friends ever. To become an organ donor, one can just tick the box when they are given their license. Also, you can just go online and register at sites like Another way to do is to tell your family that after you pass away it's okay for them to donate your organs to another being. Bone Marrow is interesting because you do it when you "alive" and can feel good about saving someone's life. To become a bone marrow donor you can go online and register after they will contact you to take a blood sample and then you just wait till there's a match that you can donate to. Some people chose not to because they've never discussed this with their family/friends which also applies to me. Also, it could be because of religious reasons. I'm not sure if I'm ready to sign up for it yet but I really want to be a bone marrow donor because you see the person you might be helping out in your lifetime. Even though it seems a little scary, I think its well worth the pain.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor but I am a certified organ donor. I never knew that you could actually sign up to be a bone marrow donor until this year, but I don't know if I would be able to do that because it sounds kind of painful which is why many people avoid this procedure even though it can be life-saving. To sign up as an organ donor, a person can check that option when getting their license. They can also go to websites that are posted on Taylor's Gift to register. I am already signed up to be an organ donor, so that I would do, but I would probably donate bone marrow only if one of my close friends or a family member was in need.
ReplyDeleteI am an organ donor, Taylor's passing was influential and I decided to take part and become one. One can become an organ donor at and One can also find these websites on the Taylor's Gift website as well. I became an organ donor when I got my license for the first time, by checking the organ donation box. I feel like all people should be organ donors, I know that there are some religious beliefs that hold people back from doing this; but what good are your organs after you die unless you give them to someone that needs them? I think the subject is a little touchy because no one really wants to talk about dying and giving their vital organs to someone else. Although bone marrow is a completely different subject. I would want to be a bone marrow donor, but I feel like going through with it would be really hard. Bone marrow transplants happen when you're life is in full swing. It's pretty invasive surgery so I feel like it would be pretty hard to picture actually going through with it. Overall, giving organs and bone marrow is a beautiful thing in that I feel as if it is the most genuine way to help someone, there is no money or anything else involved but yourself.
ReplyDeleteNo, I am not an organ donor, or a bone marrow donor. For someone to become a donor, they must first register online. Once someone registers, the next time they renew their license, they need to tell the DMV that they want to be a donor so they can put a symbol on the license that shows they are planning on being a donor. If someone is not getting their license renewed anytime soon, one should get a donor card from Division of transplantation, which one should carry around with them everywhere. Lastly, one should tell their family. When someone dies, even with a donor card, the hospital must have permission to remove the organ. My family and I have not talked about becoming a donor. Even though it's a good cause, I will most likely not be a donor. It's just something that kind of makes me feel weird when I think of that subject. Donating is a great thing, especially when it's something as important as an organ or marrow.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor however I just recently became an organ donor. For many they make the decision when they renew their license which the DMV are able to then put a symbol in the bottom right corner that indicates you are a donor. Although, if you are due anytime soon for a license renewal you can get a donor card from Division of Transplantation which you would carry around at all times. Some people choose not to be a donor because they either are afraid it will hurt to give bone marrow or for religious purposes aren't allowed to. It’s kind of hard to say if i would donate or not because i know i would want to be a bone marrow donor but i am one of those people afraid of the pain however if it came down to it, i feel that i would go through with the process and donate because i know i would want someone to do they same for me if needed. Yes i have talked to my family about being a donor which is why i decided to be an organ donor. The Storch's go to our church so it became a little more personal and i really felt the need to become one. I haven't really talked to them about being a bone marrow donor but that is something i plan to do in the future.
ReplyDeleteI have been an organ donor ever since I got my driver's license back when I was 16. I always thought it would be beneficial to other people who needed certain organs to live. I think it is important and it would make a tragedy turn into something beautiful for another person in need. I am not a blood marrow donator mainly because I was unaware you could donate such a thing. Now that I have knowledge of this I am really considering donating just because marrow is reproduced. Yes this process might hurt but a little pain never killed anybody and it is for a good cause. I feel people are unaware how easy it is to become a donor and if we had PSAs about this more people would donate.
ReplyDeleteNo I am not a bone marrow donor and I am not an organ donor however I would like to be an organ donor. A way to become an organ donor is by going to the Taylor's Gift website and register. It is fairly easy. For people that do not want to be a donor, I assume they dont want to be a donor because they cannot understand the thought of removing parts out of a once living body. For me, I would love to be a donor but I need to have a more serious conversation with my parents about it.
ReplyDeleteI am not a bone marrow donor but I am an organ donor. To become an organ donor you have to go through the state and register. I first went through Taylor's Gift to become an organ donor and then they sent me to the state. I think some people wouldn't want to be an organ donor because they just don't like the thought of somebody else having their organs. And also some people may believe that if you're in some situation and a docker knows you're a donor, they may not treat you as well. I think organ and bone marrow donating is a great thing. If you can save some bodies life, why wouldn't you? I would like to become a bone marrow donor but do not know much about it and would like to learn more about it.
ReplyDeleteI am not currently an organ donor nor a bone marrow donor. The primary reason for this is because I did not want to deal with signing up when I got my license and havn't taken the time out of my schedule to sign up. the organ donor part is not a problem to me because most cases involve taking my organs post-death unless it's a family member that needs an organ I can live without. If my body can be used in any way to help out another's life especially my family while I'm alive or dead then I'll be glad. The bone marrow donor however sounds like an intimidating procedure. The main reason why I along with many others out there are skeptical on this process is because of the fear of pain and the thought of having marrow taken out of your body. People can sign up to become a donor for each online or at a doctor/dmv. I personally have not discussed becoming either of the two with my family.
ReplyDeleteI am signed up as an organ donor should I die anytime soon. I am, however, not a bone marrow donor.To become an organ donor you have to go through the state and register. I became an organ donor when I received my Texas Driver's License. I think some people wouldn't want to be an organ donor because they just don't like the thought of somebody else having their organs or they don't realize that there is an option to only donate in case of death. And also some people may believe that if you're in some situation and a docker knows you're a donor, they may not treat you as well. I think organ and bone marrow donating is a great thing. If you can save someone's life by donating, why wouldn't you? I would like to become a bone marrow donor but do not know a lot about bone marrow donation but I would like to know more about it in order to discuss the possibility of donating.