Monday, December 3, 2012

Setting Goals

With the new year right around the corner, set a few goals for yourself for the upcoming year. Discuss why you want this goal, what you are going to do to achieve it, and how you plan to stay motivated. Do you think goal setting is important? Do you usually follow through with your goals?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Brain Food

Why are some foods considered "brain foods"?  What makes them so good for you?  What are some examples of brain food that you could include in your diet?  Try it for a few days and see if you can tell a difference.  Include scientific research to support your decision to try a particular brain food. 

More 5ks!

Run a 5k this six weeks.  One suggestion would be the Nature Park Trail Run on Saturday, December 1. The Sidekick is also sponsoring a 5k in partnership with Taylor's Gift.  You can sign up at lunches for this one which will be held at Andy Brown on Saturday, December 8.  Another suggestion would be the Dallas Jingle Bell Run.  This is a night run on Wednesday, December 19.  As with all runs, write a brief reflection of your thoughts and upload a picture of you at the event to the class Photobucket account.  


According to research, your brain needs a certain amount of sleep to perform at its maximum capacity.  It is recommended that adults get between 8-10 hours of sleep each night.  For a minimum of three nights, sleep at least 8 hours.  Discuss your normal sleep habits and how this was different for you.  Explain how you felt, how long you attempted this challenge, and whether or not you could tell a difference.  Support your thoughts with research and scientific information. 


Attend one of the UTSW sessions this month either on Monday, November 26 to hear about Clinical Nutrition or on Monday, December 17 to hear from a EMS Paramedic.  Discuss your thoughts about what you learned and what you thought of the experience of attending a medical school seminar. 

Monday, October 1, 2012


Are you a bone marrow donor?  What about an organ donor?  How does one go about becoming one?  Why do some people choose not to?  What about you?  Would you donate?  Explain your thoughts on the subject and state whether or not you have signed up or discussed organ donation with your family.  Visit Taylor's Gift or Be The Match to learn more or sign up!

Health Challenge

How can you alter your lifestyle to help maintain bone health in your future?  Take this 5 day challenge to become a healthier person.  You can add weight bearing exercise, calcium, potassium, or anything else to your routine or you can remove something such as caffeine.  Explain how the challenge went, what exactly you did, how this was suppose to help the bones, and if you plan to stick with it. 

Monday, September 24, 2012


At any time during the six weeks, run a 5k, do an 
endurance challenge, or a fun run.  Help raise money for a charity while developing a healthy lifestyle.  
Get your friends and family to join you!  Don't forget to upload your photo to the class photobucket account!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Walk About for Autism

"The Walkabout for Autism is a family event designed to promote Autism awareness and raise money for the Brent Woodall Foundation for Exceptional Children. The mission of the BWF is to empower parents of children with autism by providing educational training, customized academic and behavioral plans, psychological assessments, and modest financial support.
Stop along the trail to test your physical strength and endurance. Personal trainers from Velocity Sports Performance will guide you through physical challenges for the chance to win prizes! Kids can do it too! Our team of Assistant Therapists will assist the kids in modified exercises. Adults and kids will win prizes for competing in each challenge! Join us at our KIDS ZONE for a bounce house, bike rodeo, face painting, and prizes!" 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Health Care In America

Do you have an opinion on health care in America?  Research both sides of the current debate and give your thoughts on the state of our Nation's healthcare problem.  How would you fix it? 

Thursday, August 9, 2012



UT Southwestern Medical School offers monthly meetings designed for high school students.  Meetings are held at the UTSW campus on Monday nights from 6:00-7:30.  Sign up in class to attend.  Write a brief reflection about the session you attended and discuss what information you gained. 

Pink Soles 5K

Run or walk the Pink Soles 5k on Saturday,  
September 1st at Andy Brown.  

"Pink Soles in Motion (PSIM) is organized and operated for charitable purposes related to raising funds or other property that provides support for victims of cancer; or for support of the families of victims of cancer; or for research of cancer; or for the cure and eradication of cancer."  Visit the link, Pink Soles in Motion for more information and registration information. 

Submit your race day photo to the class photobucket account and write a brief reflection below about your experience at the race.