Wednesday, January 16, 2013

NFL Play 60

The NFL's campaign PLAY 60 encourages youth to exercise and be active for 60 minutes a day.  

"Enter for a chance to win a visit from the NFL PLAY 60 Bus at your school or community center. Tell us what your community needs to help kids from Kindergarten to 8th grade PLAY 60 every day and stay active and healthy - your school or community center may end up winning just what you asked for!"   

Write a brief essay that answers these two questions.  Be creative and original 

What's the biggest challenge facing your school/center's health & wellness efforts? 

How can the NFL and the NFL PLAY 60 Bus make your community a better place for kids to get active and healthy?


  1. I think the biggest challenge that faces CHS's health and wellness efforts is the lack of motivation the kids at our school have. Many join athletics and sports because they have a friend in the class or they have a passion for sports, but others don't join it because of their lack of motivation to pursue sports or physical activity. In other words, if it wasn't a requirement to graduate, people wouldn't do PE, athletics, or other physical activity that they are forced to join. I think the NFL and NFL 60 Bus can help make Coppell a more active community as a whole. After we lose recess in Elementary school, many kids are deprived of the advantage of being able to run around for 30 minutes in the playground and stay active. If this bus were provided to students they would become more active than they already are and motivate the kids to keep doing these activities outside of school because they know that it's good for their health and heart.

  2. We live in a wealthy area and when kids have money they get spoiled and just want to stay inside and play video games. The youth seems to be getting more and more lazy as technology advances. THe NFL Play 60 would make our community a better place because kids would be more willing to workout and be active when they are with well known football players. THe NFL would get kids more interested and keep kids in our community active and have fun doing it.

  3. In our school many people are involved in sports and athletics but for the people that are not, I think it is because they lack motivation to work out and believe it is more fun to stay inside to play video games or watch TV. I also think that in our school people believe it is not important to be healthy and that they don’t have to worry about till they get older. Furthermore, kids have different and higher priorities above being healthy and working out. The NFL and Play 60 can do a lot to help our community because if kids see professional athletes working out beside them, they would love it and not even think about all the activities they are doing. I also think the professional athletes could set great examples for the kids and the kids will listen to them.

  4. Especially at CHS and other schools that have very good academic programs, students are so caught up in exceling in school, that they forget to go out and be active. For other students, they either don’t think they have the time to work out or they are just lazy and don’t want to get up off of the couch. Most people that are active would tell you that working out makes them look and feel better on a day to day basis. Another excuse that some kids use is that everything that they are doing now won’t matter in the long run. They say that they will start thinking about working out when they get older and when it actually matters. Kids need to be aware that everything they are doing now will affect them in the future whether they realize it or not. The NFL Play 60 could benefit our community in a number of ways. One of these ways being that the athletes would be able to motivate and set an example for the students who don’t believe exercising is important. The athletes could teach students how to live and be healthier.

  5. It is quite common to hear from people in Coppell that they would like to lose weight and become healthy. Sadly, though it takes a complete lifestyle change in order to actually see positive results in one's health. One of the roadblocks that stop many people in Coppell wishing to become healthy is the busy schedules so many of us have. Most everyone is involved in countless amounts of extra curricular activities and therefore don't have time to exercise. Another issue when it comes to unhealthy habits or a lack of exercise is kids that have absolutely no motivation. These problems would be significantly reduced if NFL Play 60 were to come to Coppell. The example set by famous athletes that are extremely busy would help encourage students to make just a little time in their days to exercise-just 60 minutes. To solve the other issue, unmotivated students would benefit simply by seeing how hard work has paid off in the lives of the athletes.

  6. Coppell is a very rich society and the people in it have access to many opportunities that other counties don’t. Because of this it is sad to see how bad some people’s health conditions are in this city. Coppell of course has a very successful athletics program but only a few kids participate in it. The drive to excel in academics is taking over the minds of many students that they fail to realize how important they physical health is. Yes, 1 year of physical education is required but that is not enough because many students see it is as blow off. I think the CISD district should make students participate in a sport or at least physical activities throughout their elementary and middle school career. With the NFL 60 play children would be more motived as they see how enjoyable working out can be. It will be a great experience for them no matter what age and hopefully change some of their attitudes towards health education.

  7. For those who are not in athletics who are forced or have been trained their whole life to the mindset of working out and getting stronger and more conditioned have to self motivate theirselves to work out. Thats definitely a problem in todays society, especially in Coppell. This is because Coppell is a very wealthy community with a great access to the newest technolgies. Exercising is not the funnest thing in the world because it takes a lot of energy and hard work and most people are busy, occupied, have things more important in life, and plenty of more excuses to keep them from exercising. In conclusing. the NFL Play 60 will benefit the community and its kids by educating and encouraging them to work out. Seeing professional athletes and working out beside them will especially energize the kids and encourage them to work out.

  8. An epidemic has surged itself onto the city of Coppell, the epidemic of technology. Now in this in age, almost every single child from kindergarten to the eighth grade has an iPhone. During the elementary students’ recess, the children are playing on their iPhone and ignoring the passion to play basketball or play hide-and-seek during their scheduled time to stay fit. The NFL and the NFL PLAY 60 Bus can inspire these children from all of our elementary and middle schools to be just like their NFL heroes. If the NFL players spend sixty minutes of quality time with every child, the children will want to be fit and stay fit. The NFL and the NFL PLAY 60 Bus will turn recess back to its former glory, the time of being happy and healthy.

  9. Coppell is an affluent community, and as such we are able to afford not having to go outside to have fun. Kids these days have more fun staying inside and watching TV or playing video games than they do going outside and playing football or basketball. We live in very lazy times and parents are having a harder and harder time convincing their children to go outside when they would much rather play their video games or with their phones. But the NFL Play 60 challenge has found a way around this problem. NFL players are practically heroes in the eyes of children and teenagers and are starting to help motivate children to go outside and play for 60 minutes every day in an effort to stay fit and get some much needed exercise. The chance to work out with football players would be more than enough to motivate kids to start spending more time outside, and this would be a huge benefit for Coppell or any city that takes part in the NFL Play 60 challenge.

  10. Coppell is a very friendly growing community that is progressing at a consistent rate. Many residents of Coppell have simple lifestyles that allow them to have economic flexibility in the forms of time and money. Unfortunately these families more often opt to dedicate this time and money to a more lazy lifestyle in the forms of large entertainment systems indoors and quick, easy made foods that lack in nutritional value. I think that the NFL play 60 campaign could benefit not only the kids of the community but also the parents by supporting a more active lifestyle. Coppell is as dedicated if not more dedicated to watching football than any other community in North America and the players would have a very big impact on how people here would conduct themselves when it comes to their health.

  11. Living in Coppell we are all very blessed. I feel that we have a lot of stuff given to us and we don't always have to work for it. Not all times, but probably more than citizens of other communities. I think that the NFL Play 60 Bus would have a huge impact on our community because it would unite kids of all ages to come together and get active. In my opinion, students of Coppell are so worried about grades that they don't get out enough to enjoy the fresh air and burn some stress. Everyone has such busy schedules that if the NFL program came to Coppell people would set time aside because it would be something fun and enjoyable to do.

  12. The biggest challenge facing CHS’s health and wellness efforts is the poor food choice in the cafeteria. Every day you walk in for lunch; there’s pizza, chick fil a, hamburgers, and etc. If there is nothing else in the school for the students to eat their eyes are automatically drawn to all the fast foods that is being provided. It’s not healthy and a lot of it can clog up the arteries, cause obesity, cause heart burn and much more. As students eat this, the way they approach any type of physical activity gradually slows down. Some of the students are lazier than others. There are so many choices of physical activity and healthy meal plans to choose from its all about having the will power and putting yourself into the right mindset. The NFL PLAY 60 Bus and the NFL can make our community a better place for kids to get active by providing more ideas for physical activities inside and outside of the school. They can also help by advertising healthy meal plans so more people could start eating healthy.

  13. One of the biggest challenge facing Coppell High School's health & wellness efforts is eating. At my old high school, we didn't have the luxury of Cici's pizza, Chick-Fil-A, or a school store. CHS's school store is were most students go get their lunch or get a snack for class. There's no problem of having a school store, but I think it should have a limited amount of junk food and consist more of healthy snacks. Every time I see someone coming out of the school store, I would see a unhealthy snack in their hand instead of a apple or a banana. The school should also get rid of the coke machine and vending machine. This attracts the same amount of students as the school store does. At the beginning of the day, I pass by the coke machines and see that its full. By the time I leave, the machine is more than half way empty! The NFL and the NFL PLAY 60 BUS can help our community get active and healthy by informing us about the importance of a healthy diet. We could have kids wear heavy gear and do physical activity, to show them the affects of eating unhealthy.

  14. I believe that the biggest challenge we as Coppell High School face is we are constantly using technology. 24/7 teenagers are losing sleep over social media always wanting to know all the latest gossip. There are less kids playing outside and more playing video games inside eating and gaining weight. NFL 60 can benefit the Coppell Community by getting kids to play outside with pro football players and get them to work out.

  15. Coppell is considered a Community of great wealth. Many people living in Coppell have a secure and substantial amount of money. However, this is good and bad. When people have excess money to blow, they become lazy. Why make a healthy nutritional dinner when McDonald's or Taco Bell are just down the road. Laziness is one of the big problems kids in Coppell face. Also, hardly will you ever see someone playing outside or walking somewhere. Most kids in Coppell are either driving around or have their face glued to a T.V or computer screen. NFL 60 would greatly benefit the Coppell Community in many ways. First off, football is a big things for this community. Many either love watching it or play the sport themselves. So, by having the NFL players set an example, they are more likely to listen and respond to what they are trying to show. By having an example of a group of guys many greatly admire, increases the probability of them becoming active and increasing their daily workout routine. By the kids seeing how a healthy and active lifestyle can effect your future, they have a great chance of acting on it and become less lazy.

  16. At Coppell High School, I believe our biggest struggle is all the technology surrounding us. Everywhere you turn nowadays is all based off of technology and social media. Our generation is addicted to social media, like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., and is losing our healthy life. Along with our current generation being addicted to the social media and technology, we are influencing the youth to become like us and they are practically getting fatter than they should be. The Play 60 bus could help us by coming up with some fun activities to do outside and get the next generation a better sense of what they should be doing. Hopefully that will be enough to encourage these kids to play outside more and be more healthy to persuade the generation after them.

  17. Our coppell community for one does an average job of promoting health and fitness, for one it makes sure that children get some sort of physical education by requiring in order to graduate middle school and highschool that they must complete at least 2 years of physical education. It also doesn't help that the cafeteria lines and kiosks in the schools are becoming more and more unhealthy by selling alot of processed food and fast food, with a tiny selection of organic or "healthy" meals. I think that the school systems (more in the elementary and middle school parts) should schedule one day every month that makes students go outside and have a planned cardio recreation for them. The obesity rate in kids is skyrocketing and if we can't change it at home we must start at the start of their day: school.

  18. What's the biggest challenge facing your school/center's health & wellness efforts?

    How can the NFL and the NFL PLAY 60 Bus make your community a better place for kids to get active and healthy?

    I think the biggest challenge for Coppell High School would be to get rid of all the unhealthy food in the school store. If we got rid of all the unhealthy food and replaced it with good food I think more people would be motivated to actually be active for 60 min. Plus I think the cost of healthy food is what is holding back the school from getting healthier food. Healthy food can be very expensive which is why most people just take the easy route and eat cheap fast food. If we replaced all the unhealthy food with healthy food I think it can make a huge difference. I think the PLAY 60 bus would be very inspiring to the little kids. Little kids are learning at a young age to rely on unhealthy foods. If we can show these kids that playing for 60 min outside can be really fun, they will come out of their caves of video games and actually get active. PLAY 60 will even be helpful to parents because kids follow what their parents do, so if parents start being active than little kids will follow and they will learn healthy eating habits.

  19. The biggest obstacle, which is in the way of a healthy lifestyle in our community, is the unhealthy food surrounding us. For example, if you walk by the school store during lunch, you will see that the store is packed with students. The school store provides some of the unhealthiest snacks such as powdered donuts, all kinds of candy, and nachos. The school store needs to start getting healthier options so that students can be satisfied with their food and also eat healthy. Another big factor is the Cici’s pizza. I used to get pizza everyday until I realized how oily it is. Literally, if you pick up your slice of pizza, you will see the oil dripping. This needs to go and be replaced by healthier subs. The vending machine is also contributing to the bad unhealthy lifestyle of the students. The NFL Play 60 bus will be a huge step forward to a healthier lifestyle. It will inform the kids around the city about making healthy choices and eating right. The activities will also get the kids more involved.

  20. The biggest challenge in the Coppell area is the foods that we eat. There are very few places in our schools that have non-processed foods. What most lunches consist of are pizza, hamburgers, French fries, and other foods provided by fast food restaurants. The problem in Coppell, for the most part, isn’t us not being active, its what goes into our bodies. I think the NFL Play Bus 60 can help our community learn how to eat better natural foods, and at the same time make those foods good so that they will stick to those types of food and prefer them rather than fast food.


  21. The biggest challenge at Coppell is all of the junk food being sold. For example, the greasy pizza and all of the candy in the school store. I rarely see students buying a salad or some other healthy choice. Most of the time if they do buy something healthy, students also buy a cookie or a candy bar to go along with it.
    NFL PLAY 60 can inform our community about healthy choices and how to live a healthier life style. They could also motivate students and the rest of the community to go out and take some time out of your day to exercise.

  22. For CHS, I think the biggest issue is that we are mostly focused on good grades. Coppell is such a prestigious school district that everyone wants to keep it that way. Teachers and parents are always pushing students to get high grades. Also, Coppell is a more wealthy city. A lot of students are sitting at home playing video games and watching T.V. all day. They just get really lazy because they have entertaintment right in front of them. Another big proponent is the unhealthy food at the school store and the cafeteria in general. Students don't pay attention to what they are eating and eat more than they should. I think it would be so beneficial if the NFL Play 60 bus came to Coppell and were active with the younger kids in Coppell. I think it's really important to inform kids when they are younger that a healthy lifestyle is important and going outside to play is very important. I feel like if the kids were reinforced with that thought and disipline to go outside and play now, it would help them in the long run.

  23. I think Coppell is overall pretty fit due to how well we are athletically. However, those that are not in athletics could run the risk of not being in the best of shape. Working out is not fun at all, and if not forced, I'm not sure if I would do it as much as i do. Because of this, kids that aren't in a sport may not go up to the gym to get work in or go on a run, it really takes a drive deep within and some motivation. I think that the NFL Play 60 movement could benefit Coppell because of the publicity and the pro athletes it brings out. I mean, who wouldn't want to work out next to an NFL star? It also teaches good habits to have throughout your daily life.

  24. I think overall that Coppell is pretty fit compared to what other schools are like. We try to give healthier options for kids to eat at lunch. We have strong athletics program but for those people who are not in athletics they run the risk of being out of shape. If you do not try to force yourself to go to the gym then one would never go.

  25. In today's day and age, kids get out less and less, Coppell is no exception. With modern technology we stay inside more and go outside to play and work out less. Of course there are many of us that do make time to do a sport or go work out, but what about the rest of the population? Many of the students feel that just because they aren't as athletically gifted as another student, then going out to work out or play outside isn't worth the effort so they lose interest in the idea of going outside. If NFL play 60 were to come to Coppell High School, they could be the push that encourages those that predominantly stay inside to go out more and exercise. NFL play 60 could only help the students, so there really isn't a reason to not want them to come if we want to better ourselves.

  26. I think the biggest challenge facing Coppell High School would be the school lunches and the food offered in the school store. There is so much junk food and candy available is students to buy that it’s no wonder obesity is a problem. Also it’s obvious due to the volume of food that is served in the cafeteria; it would be too expensive for the school to provide fresh food and non-processed food for students. In addition, there is a lack of motivation to exercise and stay fit and there isn’t a requirement for students to exercise daily, it’s up to them to take the initiative and be active. I think that if the NFL PLAY 60 Bus came to Coppell, people would be more likely to set time aside and see what the program has to offer, also if there was some type of incentive to entice kids and interest them to come, NFL PLAY 60 could really impact the community. I think it would help make our community a better place and influence kids to get active and healthy.

  27. The worst problem facing Coppell High School is the food that is offered at lunches and in the School Store. None of the main choices of lunches at the school are healthy even if they say it is, it really isnt. Also the choices of snacks in the school store are all candy. There are a few sandwiches and salads (which are no good) that stay in the back of the store. I think teenagers are aware of what they eat and what they are putting in their bodies but if those are the only choices in front of us so thats what we have to eat. The exercise is not the problem at Coppell. There are tons are opportunities to get fit and be active at the High School but if we also had the menu to fit the activities then it would all be good. I think that there is good choices for exercise its just whether or not people use them. If the NFL PLAY 60 bus came to Coppell I think it would be good incentive for EVERYONE to be active and also if they had a nutrition helper as well. I really think the biggest problem at CHS is the food choices. I feel like soemthing like NFL PLAY 60 would be good for the community so that people get to see the example of what to do and how to change.

  28. One of the biggest challenges of our school's health/fitness efforts is to provide the opportunity for ALL kids at our high school the chance to play a sport or do some sort of physical activity. There are obviously the athletes at our school who already know the sport they love and play it at the high school level as well as on club teams, but for the average person who does not play a sport, they just opt out of other physical activities that they would otherwise participate in during school. There has been a huge increase over the past few years in the effort to provide such activities for the non-athlete kids, such as the growing number of intramural sports! From my freshman year until my senior year, I have personally seen the increase of intramural sports and I think that is great. As far as the NFL play 60 goes, I believe that it could only bring a positive perspective towards sports, fitness and health. These younger kids that are in the video as well as kids in high school look up to these famous athletes and if they see them come to their town in a huge bus and perform these physical activities with them, the kids will want to be like them and in turn will choose a lifestyle more focused on fitness. If the NFL Play 60 bus came to my community, I believe they could change a lot of kids minds about their priorities in life and make them second guess their decision to quit a sport they're playing or give up on fitness because it "is just too hard".

  29. I personally think the biggest problem that Coppell High School has a problem with is our diet. I feel that a good amount of students at our school are aware that they need to live a healthy lifestyle and try to work out as much as they can, but it is a lot harder to eat clean when the school doesn’t have healthy options. Yes, the café does serve food to everyones taste buds but I think there should be more healthy food than junk food. The fact that we had ice cream, burgers, chocolate bars, donuts, sugary drinks, cookies, chick fil a, and even fries should be made up with the same amount of equally healthy food. I am sure that everyone at this school knows that there are salads and fruit available but that’s about it. Knowing that it is “easier” to grab a bag of chips can become a huge problem in the long run. I think that our community should have more 5Ks that relate to the children and young teens. I know for a fact that have already started one called the Run for a Fund. Also, if the schools had more than one “field day” where the activities are based more on learning how to exercise and how it can benefit you. Also, we could have the food and drinks available at the field days become healthier. We can try staying awhile from snow cones and hot dogs to maybe yogurt, fruit or healthy sandwich’s.
